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- Description:
- We determined whether a large, multi-analyte panel of circulating biomarkers can improve detection of early-stage pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). We defined a biologically relevant subspace of blood analytes based on previous identification in premalignant lesions or early-stage PDAC and evaluated each in pilot studies. The 31 analytes that met minimum diagnostic accuracy were measured in serum of 837 subjects (461 healthy, 194 benign pancreatic disease, 182 early stage PDAC). We used machine learning to develop classification algorithms using the relationship between subjects based on their changes across the predictors. Model performance was subsequently evaluated in an independent validation data set from 186 additional subjects.
- Keyword:
- serum, pancreatic cancer, PDAC, ELISA, early stage, and bio marker
- Subject:
- medicine
- Creator:
- Firpo, Matthew A.
- Owner:
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 01/13/2023
- Date Modified:
- 12/04/2023
- Date Created:
- 2005-01-01-2019-01-31
- License:
- CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Description:
- This is the IDL code used to create the results published in Mace, G. G., Benson, S., Humphries, R., Gombert P. M., Sterner, E.: Natural marine cloud brightening in the Southern Ocean, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. The IDL code processes MOD03 geolocation fields, MOD06_L2 cloud retrievals, MODIS ocean color chlorophyll-a concentrations and CERES shortwave albedo data that is distributed by NASA data archives. It creates statistical results for non-precipitating or weakly precipitating warm, liquid, shallow, marine boundary layer clouds.
- Keyword:
- MODIS, clouds, and southern ocean
- Subject:
- clouds and atmospheric boundary layer
- Creator:
- Mace, Gerald G., Benson, Sally , Humphries, Ruhi, Gombert, Peter M., and Sterner, Elizabeth
- Owner:
- Sally Benson
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 01/09/2023
- Date Modified:
- 06/03/2024
- Date Created:
- 2020-06-01-2022-11-01
- License:
- Public Domain – This data is free of copyright restrictions (e.g. government sponsored data).
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- The data are bed-scale measurements taken from virtual outcrop models (Morris, E.A., Atlas, C.E., Johnson, C.L., 2023, Architectural analysis of the Panther Tongue - virtual outcrop models) and calibrated with measurements taken at outcrop in the field.
- Keyword:
- outcrop metrics, geology, delta lobes, virtual outcrop models, shallow marine sedimentology , reservoir characteristics, and geophysics
- Subject:
- Geography and Geophysics
- Creator:
- Atlas, Claire, Morris, Emma, and Johnson, Cari
- Contributor:
- Claire Atlas
- Owner:
- Emma Morris
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 12/20/2022
- Date Modified:
- 06/03/2024
- Date Created:
- 2020-01-01 to 2022-05-31
- License:
- CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- Ultralow-velocity zones (ULVZs) have been studied using a variety of seismic phases; however, their physical origin is still poorly understood. Short period ScP (S wave converted to, and reflected as, P wave from the core-mantle boundary) waveforms are extensively used to infer ULVZ properties because they may be sensitive to all ULVZ elastic moduli. However, ScP waveforms are additionally complicated by the effects of path attenuation, coherent noise, and source-time function (STF) complexity. To address these complications, we developed a hierarchical Bayesian inversion method that allows us to invert ScP waveforms from multiple events simultaneously and accounts for path attenuation and correlated noise. The inversion method is tested with synthetic predictions which show that the inclusion of attenuation is imperative to recover ULVZ parameters and that the ULVZ thickness and S-wave velocity decrease (δVS) are most reliably recovered. Utilizing multiple events reduces the effects of coherent noise and STF complexity, which in turns allows for the inclusion of more data to be used in the analyses. We next applied the method to ScP data recorded in Australia for 291 events that sample the CMB beneath the Coral Sea. Our results indicate that S-wave velocity across the region is ~-14% in average, but there is a greater variability in the south than that in the north. P-wave velocity reductions and density perturbations are mostly below 10%. These ScP data show more than one ScP post-cursor in some areas which may indicate complex 3-D ULVZ structures. Seismic data are provided for 291 earthquakes in Northern Territory, Australia.
- Keyword:
- seismology, mantel phases, ULVZ, and short period ScP waveforms
- Subject:
- Geology, Seismology, and Geophysics
- Creator:
- Pachhai, Surya and Thorne, Michael S.
- Owner:
- Surya Pachhai
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Northern Territory, Northern Territory, Australia
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 12/10/2022
- Date Modified:
- 06/03/2024
- Date Created:
- 2005-01-01 to 2021-12-30.
- License:
- Public Domain – This data is free of copyright restrictions (e.g. government sponsored data).
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- Abstract: Data for Performance evaluation of the Alphasense OPC-N3 and Plantower PMS5003 sensor in measuring dust events in the Salt Lake Valley, Utah This data file was used to estimate the performance of the Alphasense OPC-N3 and PMS5003 sensor in measuring ambient PM10, especially during dust events, and to obtain correction factors to correct the PMS5003 data. During April 2022, the OPC-N3 and PMS5003 sensors were collocated with federal equivalent method (FEM)at two Utah Division of Air Quality (UDAQ) sites: Hawthorne (HW) station and Environmental Quality (EQ) station. One residential site (RS)was also tested, with OPC-N3 and PMS5003 collocated with GRIMM portable aerosol spectrophotometer. The FEM data (PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations) and meteorological parameters (wind speed, wind direction, relative humidity, and temperature) for the two UDAQ sites were downloaded from the EPA website. The Excel sheet contained all the raw data and the processed data. The FEM, OPC-N3, and PMS5003 measurements were labeled as FEM-YYY, OPC-YYY, and PMS-YYY, where YYY represents the sites nomenclature, i.e., HW, EQ, and RS. The sheet labeled “HW”, “RS”, and,” EQ” contained the raw measurements (meteorological, PM10, and PM2.5 (whenever applicable)) for the sites. The sheet” PM-ratio-based correlation” provided the data used to get the PM-ratio-based correlation. Briefly, based on the ratio of FEM-HW PM2.5/PM10, the FEM-HW and PMS-HW PM10 measurements were segregated into six bins: PM2.5/PM10: <0.2, 0.2-0.3, 0.3-0.4, 0.4-0.5, 0.5-0.7, and >0.7. For each bin, the co-located PMS-HW PM10 concentrations were linearly regressed against the FEM-HW PM10 concentrations to obtain correction factors (slope and intercept). These correction factors were later used to correct the PMS PM10 concentrations at the other two locations (RS and EQ), presented in the sheets with labels “RS correction using GRIMM ratio”, “RS correction using opc ratio” and “EQ corrected using EQ ratio”. Each sheet also includes the calculation of RMSE and NRMSE of OPC-YYY and PMS-YYY against FEM-YYY, with YYY as the site nomenclature.
- Keyword:
- Plantower PMS5003, dust events, air pollution, air quality, ppticle particle counters, PM10, AQI, particulate matter, PM sensor, and Alphasense OPC-N3 performance during
- Subject:
- air pollution
- Creator:
- Kelly, Kerry and Kaur, Kamaljeet
- Owner:
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 10/20/2022
- Date Modified:
- 06/03/2024
- Date Created:
- 2022-04-01 to 2022-04-30
- License:
- CC BY – Allows others to use and share your data, even commercially, with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- The dataset contains Gas Chromatography (GC) data pertaining to the bulk electrolytic experiments, biocatalytic, organocatalytic reactions, and standards used in the study. The standard GC files calibrate the sensitivity of the column in the Gas Chromatograph to 1-heptanol, heptanal, and the corresponding alpha-hydrazino aldehyde. This information is used to quantify the peaks of 1-heptanol and heptanal obtained in the bulk electrolytic experiments and the alpha-hydrazino aldehyde obtained in the organocatalytic step.
- Keyword:
- C-H activation, tandem catalysis, organocatalysis, in vitro multi enzyme cascade, hybrid bioelectrocatalysis, and redox polymer mediation
- Subject:
- Chemistry
- Creator:
- Chen, Hui, Minteer, Shelley D., Weliwatte, N. Samali, and Tang, Tianhua
- Owner:
- Samali Weliwatte
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 10/07/2022
- Date Modified:
- 06/03/2024
- Date Created:
- 2021-01-01 to 2022-12-31
- License:
- CC BY – Allows others to use and share your data, even commercially, with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- This file contains experimental data from the Ph.D. thesis “Mechanisms Governing Ash Aerosol Formation and Deposition during Solid Fuel Combustion” at the University of Utah. The data include particle sizes, weights, and compositions of ash aerosols and deposits formed in the combustion of a range of fossil and biomass solid fuels under a wide range of conditions. Operation pressure, fuel composition and combustor scale are changed across these tests. These experimental data can provide information and inputs for further studies, such as modeling the ash deposition process, in the future. Research background: Concern about global warming has called for new combustion systems to be used in order to reduce CO2 emissions from coal-fired power generation. Pressurized oxy-coal combustion coupled with carbon capture and storage as well as co-firing biomass with coal are gaining more interest in building new power plants and retrofitting existing plants. The combustion conditions of these systems could be significantly changed and thus affect the ash formation and deposition. The experimental work of this thesis consists of combustion tests at various scales and conditions, namely, on a 100 kWth rated oxy-fuel combustor (OFC), a 300 kWth rated entrained flow pressurized reactor (EFPR), a 1.5 MWth rated horizontal multifuel combustor (L1500) and a 500 MWe full-size utility boiler (Hunter). The solid fuels involved in these tests include pulverized coal, torrefied wood, blend fuels of the coal and wood, and coal with K/Cl/S additives. In each test, iso-kinetically sampled ash aerosols are analyzed in terms of particle size distributions and size-segregated compositions. Ash deposition rates are measured using a surface-temperature-controlled probe which simulates the deposition process on superheater tubes.
- Keyword:
- blended fuels, solid fuel combustion, ash aerosol, pulverized coal, ash deposit, coal-fired power generation, CO2 emissions, particulate matter emission, and torrefied wood
- Subject:
- Air Pollution and Chemical Engineering
- Creator:
- Li, Xiaolong
- Contributor:
- Brigham Young University Department of Chemical Engineering and University of Utah Industrial Combustion and Gasification Research Facility
- Owner:
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- University of Utah, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 06/23/2022
- Date Modified:
- 12/05/2023
- Date Created:
- 2017-04-01 to 2021-10-30
- License:
- CC BY – Allows others to use and share your data, even commercially, with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- Datasets and code related to paper published in the journal Earth System Dynamics by Garrett, Grasselli, and Keen
- Keyword:
- climate, economics, and energy
- Subject:
- Economics
- Creator:
- Garrett, Timothy J. , Keen, Steven, and Grasselli, Matheus
- Owner:
- Date Uploaded:
- 06/08/2022
- Date Modified:
- 12/05/2023
- Date Created:
- 2020-0215 to 20210430
- License:
- CC BY – Allows others to use and share your data, even commercially, with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Description:
- This dataset is a custom Kraken2 formatted database for the identification of Fungi from shotgun metagenomic data. Kraken2 is a k-mer based read classifier (Wood et al. 2019; The dataset was built with the default k-mer length (k=35) from all publicly available fungal genomes at JGI Mycocosm (, and all archaea, bacteria, viral, plasmid, human, fungi, plant, and protozoa genomes, as well as the UniVec Core and nt reference database at NCBI ( The reference genomes and sequences were downloaded from JGI and NCBI in March 2020.
- Keyword:
- protozoa, Kraken2 database, plant, bacteria, genomes, fungi, human, archaea, plasmid, and virus
- Subject:
- Mycology and Genomics
- Creator:
- Dentinger, Bryn T. M.
- Owner:
- Bryn Dentinger
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 06/08/2022
- Date Modified:
- 06/03/2024
- Date Created:
- 2020-03-29
- License:
- CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Software or Program Code and Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- This dataset contains the materials necessary to reproduce the study submitted to Remote Sensing: "Tradeoffs Between UAS Spatial Resolution and Accuracy for Deep Learning Semantic Segmentation Applied to Wetland Vegetation Species Mapping". This includes the raw imagery output from the camera aboard the unoccupied aerial vehicle, the Red-Edge MX, captured over the Howard Slough Waterfowl Management Area, Utah, in August of 2020, resampled images, code to resample the images, a link to ground reference data, and the training and testing data used for the convolutional neural network in the study.
- Keyword:
- invasive species, wetlands, phragmites australis, Howard Slough Waterfowl Management Area, multispectral imagery, remote sensing, and uncrewed aerial systems
- Subject:
- geography
- Creator:
- Saltiel, Troy M., Campbell, Michael J., Thompson, Thomas R., Hambrecht, Keith R., and Dennison, Philip E.
- Contributor:
- Christian Hardwick (Utah Geological Survey)
- Owner:
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Howard Slough Waterfowl Management Area, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 04/21/2022
- Date Modified:
- 12/05/2023
- Date Created:
- 2020-08-11
- License:
- CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier: