University of Utah Research Data Repository

Submission Requirements

In addition to meeting requirements for depositing, there are three necessary components for each submission into The Hive:

  • Content: content includes the datasets, code, README files and any other documentation required to facilitate the reuse of the datasets.
    • Note: Currently there are no format limitations. However, we do encourage users to generate data in standardized and non-proprietary formats for re-use in the future.
  • A README: a README is a text file that introduces and explains a project. It contains information that is commonly required to understand what the project is about.
  • Descriptive metadata: descriptive metadata includes basic information about the project used by Hive users to search for your work, such as title, creator(s), description, dates, and subject terms.

How to Submit: Overview

For a full explanation of how to submit data to The Hive, please see our step by step guide. The following is a run-down of the process for reference.

  1. The creator of the data should contact a research data librarian at to determine if The Hive is the best place to store and share your data. Also, check out Repositories for Research Data to learn about the available subject-based repositories.
  2. Prepare your data, scripts, and documentation for archiving.
  3. The creator of the data must create an account at using their University of Utah UNID and email.
  4. Please complete this README intake form so someone from our staff can generate a README file on your behalf. You will have the opportunity to review and approve the README before it is added to your deposit.
  5. Once the README form has been completed and you have confirmed a member of our staff has received it, click the “Share Your Dataset” link on the home page to fill in Descriptions (metadata) and upload your data, script(s), and documentation. If your data is greater than 5GB, use UBox to transfer the data to us at, and we will upload it for you.
  6. Once your materials are uploaded, go to the navigation on the right and determine the Visibility of your dataset and read the Deposit Agreement. By clicking Save, you agree to the Deposit Agreement.
  7. A staff member from The Hive will then review your submission for completeness, contact you with any issues, and—once all is complete—issue a DOI for the record. We will insert the DOI into your README on your behalf and upload this final document to your submission. If all necessary descriptive metadata has been provided, the deposit will be approved.

Submitting by proxy:

    If designating someone else to submit the data, then both the creator and the submitter must create an account using their University of Utah UNID and email.

  1. The creator then must go to Your Activity, select Manage Proxies and search for the designee under Proxy User.
  2. The submitter can then open the Share Your Dataset link at The Hive website and find the On Behalf Of link in the right navigation bar and select the creator.
  3. Now the submitter can follow the instructions above.

Step by Step Guide

  1. The creator of the data should contact a research data librarian at to determine if The Hive is the best place to store and share your data. Also, check out Repositories for Research Data to learn about the available subject-based repositories.
  2. Prepare your data, scripts, and documentation for archiving.
    • For more information on archiving and preservation, please visit our LibGuide
    • Note: Currently there are no format limitations. However, we do encourage users to generate data in standardized and non-proprietary formats for re-use in the future.
  3. The creator of the data must create an account at using their University of Utah UNID and email.
    • After selecting the login button, you will be redirected to the University of Utah single sign on (SSO) screen
  4. Next you will complete the README intake form so someone from our staff can generate a README file on your behalf. You will have the opportunity to review and approve the README before it is added to your deposit.
    • Note: a successful README is useful enough that in 12 months, after you may have forgotten how and what you did, you can refer back to your README file and be able to recreate everything you did to generate your data. This is also a resource for others who may be looking at your data and have no familiarity with it at all. Our intake form will guide you through the process to ensure a thorough README document.
    • README intake form can be found here.
    • All required questions must be answered fully. If you are unsure of how to answer, you can save your form and email us at or set up a consultation.
    • Please expect a wait time of 1 to 2 business days for our data librarians to review your form submission.
  5. Once the README form has been completed and you have confirmed a member of our staff has received it, you may open the “Share Your Dataset” link on the home page to fill in Descriptions (metadata) and upload your data, script and documentation. If your data is greater than 5GB, then use UBox to transfer the data to us at and we will upload it for you.
  6. You will be prompted to fill in required descriptive metadata. This will include:
    • Title: there is no specific format for titles at this time, but please review this guide from SPARC before titling. We may ask submitters to re-name datasets prior to approval.
    • Description: the description should describe the dataset and project it was created for. An abstract for the project is acceptable, but specifically describing the dataset produced is ideal.
    • Creator: creator(s) are the people who lead and are responsible for the research as is described in the University Research Handbook and pertinent regulations. More than one Creator may be associated with any one research project. If a person was involved in the project but not a member of the main research team, they may be added as a collaborator.
    • Keywords: keywords describe the main topics of your research.
    • Subjects: subjects are the same as keywords but must come from a controlled vocabulary schema (see below).
    • Controlled vocabulary: these are lists of controlled terms to aid in search and discovery. Common controlled vocabularies include LCSH (general, wide variety of topics), MeSH (medical), and NASA (covers sciences, engineering, and more).If you would like assistance selecting subject terms, please let the librarian working with you know.
    • Date created: this should be a date or range of dates when the data was collected. Please format as YYYY-MM-DD, or YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD for date ranges.
    • Contact email: list the contact email for the main creator on the project.
    • License: list the license option you selected when filling out the README intake form.
  7. Once your materials are uploaded, go to the navigation on the right of the deposit page and determine the Visibility of your dataset and read the Deposit Agreement. By clicking Save, you agree to the Deposit Agreement.
  8. A staff member from The Hive will then view your submission for completeness, contact you with any issues and once all is complete issue a DOI. We will insert the DOI into your readme on your behalf and upload this final document to your submission. If all necessary descriptive metadata has been provided, the deposit will be approved.
    • Note: a DOI or Digital Object Identifier is a persistent identifier used to uniquely identify objects. You may be familiar with the DOI system used for linking electronic journal articles. The DOI system began in 2000 and is managed by the International DOI Foundation. Refer to their handbook for additional information.