This REESreadme20210830.txt file was generated on 20210830 by Karlie Rees ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: Dataset for: Mass and density of individual frozen hydrometeors and A differential emissivity imaging technique for measuring hydrometeor mass and type 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Timothy J. Garrett Institution: Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Utah Address: 135 S 1460 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 Email: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Eric R. Pardyjak Institution: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah Address: 1495 E 100 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 Email: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Dhiraj K. Singh Institution: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah Address: 1495 E 100 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 Email: Alternate Contact Information Name: Karlie N. Rees Institution: Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Utah Address: 135 S 1460 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 Email: 3. Date of data collection: 20200114 - 20200206 4. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): The mouth of Red Butte Canyon in Salt Lake City, Utah (40.76857, -111.82614) 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This work is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric System Research program award number DE-SC0016282 and National Science Foundation (NSF) Physical and Dynamic Meteorology program award number 1841870. -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC BY 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: [Need final pub citations as opposed to preprint citations] Rees, K., Singh, D., Pardyjak, E., & Garrett, T. (2021). Measurement report: Mass and Density of Individual Frozen Hydrometeors. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 2021, Pre-print. Singh, D. K., Donovan, S., Pardyjak, E. R., & Garrett, T. J. (2021). A differential emissivity imaging technique for measuring hydrometeor mass and type. Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., 2021, Pre-print. 3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: None 4. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: None 5. Was data derived from another source? If yes, list source(s): None 6. Recommended citation for the data: Rees, K., Singh, D., Pardyjak, E., and Garrett, T. (2021). Dataset for: Mass and density of individual frozen hydrometeors and A differential emissivity imaging technique for measuring hydrometeors. The Hive: University of Utah Research Data Repository. --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: Density_data.mat Short description: Contains DEID and MASC snowflake and instrument data B. Filename: Density_analysis.m Short description: Code for loading data and plotting mass-diameter and density-diameter relationships C. Filename: powerlaw.m Short description: Code for determining power-law relationships 2. Relationship between files: Running Density_analysis loads data from Density_data.mat and plots power-law relationships. 3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: N/A 4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? No If yes, list versions: Name of file that was updated: i. Why was the file updated? ii. When was the file updated? Name of file that was updated: i. Why was the file updated? ii. When was the file updated? -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: Described in Rees et al. ACP (2021) 2. Methods for processing the data: Described in Rees et al. ACP (2021) (DEID). MASC parameters are described in: Shkurko, K., Talaei, A., Garrett, T., & Gaustad, K. (2018). Multi-Angle Snowflake Camera Particle Analysis Value-Added Product. Tech. Rep., USDOE Office of Science Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program, available at: 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: IRBIS 3.1 Plus thermal camera software and MATLAB R2020a 4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: Described by Singh et al. AMT (2021) 5. Environmental/experimental conditions: Meteorological conditions for each timeframe are included in the dataset and described below in next section. 6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: Described by Singh et al. AMT (2021) 7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Karlie N. Rees, Dhiraj K. Singh, Spencer Donovan, Alex Blackmer, Eric R. Pardyjak, Timothy J. Garrett, Peter Roper, Allan Reaburn ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Density_data.mat ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 3 tables, 32 variables 2. Number of cases/rows: DEID_All: 132,459 rows, 20 variables DEID_Snow: 86,285 rows, 20 variables DEID_MASC: 43,649 rows, 32 variables 3. Variable List A. Name: DEID_All Description: A table that contains all hydrometeor properties measured by the DEID during the Red Butte field experiment. Includes both rain and snow. B. Name: DEID_Snow Description: A table that contains contains the properties of all snowflakes measured by the DEID during the Red Butte field experiment. Very small objects that have less than three contiguous pixels of data in all three dimesions have been excluded. C. Name: DEID_MASC Description: A table that contains properties of snowflakes measured by the DEID which occurred while the MASC collected data as well. One-minute-averaged MASC data for the same time periods are included for each snowflake. D. Name: date_time Description: Date and time the hydrometeor reached the plate To the nearest minute E. Name: D_deff Description: Hydrometeor effective diameter measured by the DEID In units of mm F. Name: D_mmg Description: Hydrometeor mass measured by the DEID In units of mg G. Name: D_denS Description: Hydrometeor spherical density measured by the DEID In units of kg m^-3 H. Name: D_Am2 Description: Hydrometeor cross-sectional area measured by the DEID In units of m^2 I. Name: D_dcirc Description: Hydrometeor circumscribed diameter or max diameter measured by the DEID. Referred to as D_max in Rees et al. ACP (2021). In units of mm J. Name: D_DT Description: Temperature difference between the hydrometeor and the hotplate measured by the DEID In units of K K. Name: D_t_evap Description: Hydrometeor evaporation time measured by the DEID In units of s L. Name: D_Vol3d Description: Hydrometeor 3D volume measured by the DEID In units of s m^2 M. Name: D_fps Description: DEID thermal camera sampling frequency In units of frame s^-1 N. Name: D_Tplate Description: DEID hotplate temperature In units of C O. Name: D_Ahot Description: DEID sampled hotplate area In units of m^2 P. Name: D_pix2m Description: Conversion from pixel to meter In units of m pixel^-1 Q. Name: D_kdlv Description: Constant K_d as described in Rees et al. ACP (2021) In units of kg s^-3 K^-1 R. Name: WX_MRH Description: Relative humidity measured by MTMET weather station In units of % S. Name: WX_MT_C Description: Ambient air temperature measured by MTMET weather station In units of C T. Name: WX_MWG Description: Wind gust measured by MTMET weather station In units of m s^-1 U. Name: WX_MWS Description: Wind speed measured by MTMET weather station In units of m s^-1 V. Name: storm Description: Used to classify data by event W. Name: Vis_type Description: Type of snow determined by visual classification X. Name: M_AR Description: MASC-derived one-minute-average snowflake aspect ratio Unitless Y. Name: M_Dmax Description: MASC-derived one-minute maximum snowflake diameter (circumscribed diameter) In units of mm Z. Name: M_Peri Description: MASC-derived one-minute-average snowflake perimeter In units of mm AA. Name: M_Vel Description: MASC-derived one-minute-average snowflake fall speed In units of m s^-1 AB. Name: M_Xsec Description: MASC-derived one-minute-average snowflake cross-sectional area In units of mm^2 AC. Name: M_Comp Description: MASC-derived one-minute-average snowflake complexity Unitless AD. Name: M_Dmean Description: MASC-derived one-minute-average snowflake diameter (circumscribed diameter) In units of mm AE. Name: M_AR_max Description: MASC-derived one-minute maximum snowflake aspect ratio Unitless AF. Name: M_AR_min Description: MASC-derived one-minute minimum snowflake aspect ratio Unitless AG. Name: M_type Description: MASC-derived snowflake type using complexity AH. Name: M_flat Description: MASC-derived one-minute-average snowflake flatness Unitless AI. Name: M_den Description: MASC-derived snowflake density Units of kg m^-3 4. Missing data codes: NaN No precipitation was observed during the time period 5. Specialized formats of other abbreviations used: N/A