This JONESreadme20210528.txt file was generated on 20210528 by Rachael Jones. Links to Publication field is complete 2021-12-09 TK ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset Dataset for: Community daytime noise pollution and socioeconomic differences in Chicago, IL 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Rachael Jones Institution: University of Utah School of Medicine Address: 375 Chipeta Way, Suite A, Salt Lake City, UT 84108 Email: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Yu-Kai Huang Institution:University of Illinois at Chicago Address: 1603 W Taylor St, Chicago, IL 60612 Email: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Lorraine Conroy Institution:University of Illinois at Chicago Address: 1603 W Taylor St, Chicago, IL 60612 Email: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Uchechi Mitchell Institution:University of Illinois at Chicago Address: 1603 W Taylor St, Chicago, IL 60612 Email: 3. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date) 20190308-20190321 4. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): Chicago, Illinois, USA 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: There was no funding source that supported collection of the data -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Huang Y-K, Mitchell UA, Conroy LM, Jones RM (2021) Community daytime noise pollution and socioeconomic differences in Chicago, IL. PLoS ONE 16(8): e0254762. 3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: N/A 4. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: N/A 5. Was data derived from another source? NO If yes, list source(s): 6. Recommended citation for the data: Yu-Kai Huang, Uchechi A. Mitchell, Lorraine M. Conroy, Rachael M. Jones. (2021). Data for Community daytime noise pollution and socioeconomic differences in Chicago, IL. The Hive: University of Utah Research Data Repository. [] --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: Measurement_Site_Data.csv Short description: This file includes the noise measurements, the geospatial location of the noise measurements, and accompanying geographical data used in the land-use regression model. B. Filename: Community_Level_Data.csv Short description: This file includes the community area average noise level from the land-use regression model, community area socio-economic variables and community area average noise level estimated from the spatial autoregression model of community per capita income. 2. Relationship between files: Data in File A were used to develop the land-use regression model of daytime noise, that is the basis for the noiseLUR variable in file B. Data in File B were used to explore the association between community area average daytime noise exposure and community socio-economic characteristics. 3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: None 4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? No -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: This data includes 5-min A-weighted noise measurements collected during weekday daytime hours at site in Chicago, Illinois, USA in March 2019. The sites were selected using a stratified random sampling scheme driven by land use characteristics. The noise measurements were randomly divided into training and validation data sets. The training data set was used in a land-use regression model to predict noise levels at 200-m square tiles across the City of Chicago. All land-use information was publicly available, and included vegetation index, airport noise areas, transit, and roads, among other variables. The land-use regression model performance was evaluated using the validation data set. The noise levels predicted by the land-use regression model were averaged for each of the 77 community areas in Chicago. A spatial auto regression model was used to explore associations between daytime noise levels in community areas and sociodemographic characteristics of the community. Sociodemographic data was obtained from the City of Chicago, based on the American Community Survey, and included racial and ethnic demographics, per capita incomes, educational attainment, and commuter status, among other variables. All analyses were performed using the R Project for Statistical Computing. More details are available in: A. Huang Y-K, Mitchell UA, Conroy LM, Jones RM (2021) Community daytime noise pollution and socioeconomic differences in Chicago, IL. PLoS ONE 16(8): e0254762. B. Yu-Kai Huang. "Improving Noise Exposure Assessment for Epidemiologic Studies". Dissertation. University of Illinois at Chicago. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2019. ProQuest Document ID 2404051784. 2. Methods for processing the data: The noise measurements were manually imported into the database along with longitude and latitude. Other data were downloaded from public data sources, linked and analyzed using the R Project for Statistical Computing. 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: None 4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: Noise measurements were collected as 5-min averages with the fast A-weighting using a 3M SoundPro sound level meter calibrated using the AcoustiCal AC-300 sound level calibrator at a sound pressure level of 114 dB before and after daily sampling periods. 5. Environmental/experimental conditions: Noise measurements were collected during the daytime in publicly-accessible locations in Chicago, IL. Sampling sites were selected using stratified random sampling. 6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: Data were inspected to ensure that values were in the correct range. 7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Rachael Jones, Yu-Kai Huang, Lorraine Conroy and Uchechi Mitchell ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Measurement_Site_Data.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 60 2. Number of cases/rows: 71 3. Variable List A. Name: site_no Description: Numerical index of noise measurement sites Values 1-75; data generated in this study B. Name: group Description: Randomization of noise measurement site to the training or validation data set Training = site assigned to training data set; Validation = site assigned to validation data set; data generated in this study C. Name: date Description: Calendar date of noise measurement (mm/dd/yy) 03/08/19 through 03/21/19; data generated in this study D. Name: time Description: Time of noise measurement in 24-hour clock 00:00 to 24:00; data generated in this study E. Name: sampled_dBA Description: 5-min average A-wieghted noise measurement collected using a 3M SoundPro sound level meter in dBA Positive, continuous variable; data generated in this study F. Name: predicted_dBA Description: 5-min average A-wieghted noise level predicted by the Land Use Regression Model at the measurement location in dBA Positive, continuous variable; data generated in this study G. Name: bus_100 Description: Length of Chicago Transit Authority bus routes within 100 meter buffer of the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal H. Name: bus_1000 Description: Length of Chicago Transit Authority bus routes within 1000 meter buffer of the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal I. Name: bus_200 Description: Length of Chicago Transit Authority bus routes within 200 meter buffer of the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal J. Name: bus_300 Description: Length of Chicago Transit Authority bus routes within 300 meter buffer of the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal K. Name: bus_3000 Description: Length of Chicago Transit Authority bus routes within 3000 meter buffer of the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal L. Name: bus_500 Description: Length of Chicago Transit Authority bus routes within 500 meter buffer of the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal M. Name: cta_100 Description: Length of Chicago Transit Authority train tracks within 100 meter buffer of the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal N. Name: cta_1000 Description: Length of Chicago Transit Authority train tracks within 1000 meter buffer of the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal O. Name: cta_200 Description: Length of Chicago Transit Authority train tracks within 200 meter buffer of the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal P. Name: cta_300 Description: Length of Chicago Transit Authority train tracks within 300 meter buffer of the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal Q. Name: cta_3000 Description: Length of Chicago Transit Authority train tracks within 3000 meter buffer of the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal R. Name: cta_500 Description: Length of Chicago Transit Authority train tracks within 500 meter buffer of the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal S. Name: dist_airport Description: Distance to the nearest airport (O'Hare Airport or Midway Airport) from the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal T. Name: dist_bus Description: Distance to the Chicago Transit Authority bus route from the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal U. Name: dist_cityhall Description: Distance to Chicago City Hall from the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal V. Name: dist_cta Description: Distance to the Chicago Transit Authority train route from the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal W. Name: dist_lake Description: Shortest distance to Lake Michigan from the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal X. Name: dist_metra Description: Distance to nearest Metra (regional commuter rail system) train track from the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal Y. Name: dist_mst Description: Distance to nearest major street from the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal Z. Name: dist_nc Description: Distance to nearest airport noise contour (O'Hear or Midway) from the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from Airport Noise Management System report AA. Name: dist_prd Description: Distance to nearest primary road from the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal AB. Name: dist_st Description: Distance to nearest street from the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal AC. Name: metra_100 Description: Length of Metra train tracks within 100 meter buffer the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal AD. Name: metra_1000 Description: Length of Metra train tracks within 1000 meter buffer the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal AE. Name: metra_200 Description: Length of Metra train tracks within 200 meter buffer the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal AF. Name: metra_300 Description: Length of Metra train tracks within 300 meter buffer the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal AG. Name: metra_3000 Description: Length of Metra train tracks within 3000 meter buffer the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal AH. Name: metra_500 Description: Length of Metra train tracks within 500 meter buffer the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal AI. Name: mst_100 Description: Length of major streets within 100 meter buffer the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal AJ. Name: mst_1000 Description: Length of major streets within 1000 meter buffer the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal AK. Name: mst_200 Description: Length of major streets within 200 meter buffer the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal AL. Name: mst_300 Description: Length of major streets within 300 meter buffer the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal AM. Name: mst_3000 Description: Length of major streets within 3000 meter buffer the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal AN. Name: mst_500 Description: Length of major streets within 500 meter buffer the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal AO. Name: ndvi_100 Description: Mean Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) within 100 meter buffer the noise measurement site Range -1 to +1 Landsat-8, USGS Explorer AP. Name: ndvi_1000 Description: Mean Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) 1000 meter buffer the noise measurement site Range -1 to +1 Landsat-8, USGS Explorer AQ. Name: ndvi_200 Description: Mean Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) within 200 meter buffer the noise measurement site Range -1 to +1 Landsat-8, USGS Explorer AR. Name: ndvi_300 Description: Mean Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) within 300 meter buffer the noise measurement site Range -1 to +1 Landsat-8, USGS Explorer AS. Name: ndvi_500 Description: Mean Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) within 500 meter buffer the noise measurement site Range -1 to +1 Landsat-8, USGS Explorer AT. Name: prd_100 Description: Length of primary roads within 100 meter buffer the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal AU. Name: prd_1000 Description: Length of primary roads within 1000 meter buffer the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal AV. Name: prd_200 Description: Length of primary roads within 200 meter buffer the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal AW. Name: prd_300 Description: Length of primary roads within 300 meter buffer the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal AX. Name: prd_3000 Description: Length of primary roads within 3000 meter buffer the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal AY. Name: prd_500 Description: Length of primary roads within 500 meter buffer the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal AZ. Name: st_100 Description: Length of streets within 100 meter buffer the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal BA. Name: st_1000 Description: Length of streets within 1000 meter buffer the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal BB. Name: st_200 Description: Length of streets within 200 meter buffer the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal BC. Name: st_300 Description: Length of streets within 300 meter buffer the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal BD. Name: st_3000 Description: Length of streets within 3000 meter buffer the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal BE. Name: st_500 Description: Length of streets within 500 meter buffer the noise measurement site in meters Positive, continuous variable Data obtained from City of Chicago Data Portal BF. Name: ndvi500c100 Description: ndvi_500 minus ndvi_100, mean normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) in a donut ring with inner radius 100 meters and outer radius 500 meters Range -2 to +2 Landsat-8, USGS Explorer BG. Name: Lat Description: Latitude where noise measurement was collected Google Maps BH. Name: Lon Description: Longitude where noise measurement was collected Google Maps ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Community_Level_Data.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 18 2. Number of cases/rows: 77 3. Variable List A. Name: no Description: Numerical index of Chicago Community Areas Values 1-77 B. Name: name Description: Names of Chicago Community Area City of Chicago Data Portal C. Name: noiseSAR Description: Mean community noise level predicted by Spatial Auto Regression model of the socio-economic analysis in units of dBA Positive, continuous D. Name: noiseLUR Description: Mean community noise level predicted by Land Use Regression model; used in socio-economic analysis Positive, continuous E. Name: tiles Description: Total number of contiguous 200 square-meter tiles in the community area Positive, continuous F. Name: tilesLUR Description: Total number of contiguous 200 square-meter tiles in the Land Use Regression model range for the community area Positive, continuous G. Name: TOT_POP Description: Total population in the community area Positive, continuous American Community Survey, City of Chicago Data Portal H. Name: WHITE_POP Description: Total population identified as White non-Hispanic in the community area Positive, continuous American Community Survey, City of Chicago Data Portal I. Name: HISP_POP Description: Total population identified as Hispanic in the community area Positive, continuous American Community Survey, City of Chicago Data Portal J. Name: BLACK_POP Description: Total population identified as Black or African-American in the community area Positive, continuous American Community Survey, City of Chicago Data Portal K. Name: ASIAN_POP Description: Total population identified as Asian in the community area Positive, continuous American Community Survey, City of Chicago Data Portal L. Name: OTHER_POP Description: Total population identified as being in other racial or ethnic groups in the community area Positive, continuous American Community Survey, City of Chicago Data Portal M. Name: HARDSHIP_INDEX Description: Community hardship index. An indicator based on unemployment, education, per captia income level, poverty, crowded housing and dependency. Positive, continuous American Community Survey, City of Chicago Data Portal N. Name: WITHOUT_HS_percentage Description: Percentage of the community area population over the age of 25 yers without a high school diploma or equivalent Values 0-100% American Community Survey, City of Chicago Data Portal O. Name: UNEMPLOYED_percentage Description: Percentage of the community are population over the age of 16 years that is unemployed Values 0-100% American Community Survey, City of Chicago Data Portal P. Name: INCOME_PER_CAPITA Description: Community area per capita income in dollars Positive, Continuous American Community Survey, City of Chicago Data Portal Q. Name: AREA_IN_MILE_SQUARED Description: Community area in units of square miles Positive, Continuous American Community Survey, City of Chicago Data Portal R. Name: TOT_COMMUTER Description: Total number of community area residents that are commuters Positive, Continuous American Community Survey, City of Chicago Data Portal 4. Missing data codes: NA indicates that the variable value is missing; could not be determined 5. Specialized formats of other abbreviations used: None