% Code for loading DEID and MASC data and plotting basic power law % mass-diameter and density-diameter relationships % % The table "DEID_All" contains all hydrometeor properties obtained by the % DEID during the Red Butte field experiment. Includes both rain and snow. % % The table "DEID_Snow" contains the properties of all snowflakes obtained % by the DEID during the Red Butte field experiment. Very small objects % that have less than three contiguous pixels of data in all three % dimesions have been excluded. % % The table "DEID_MASC" contains data for snow events that were observed by % both the DEID and the MASC. MASC properties are averaged in one-minute % intervals. Each row represents a single hydrometeor. % % Karlie Rees % University of Utah % load('Density_data.mat') % load data % Plot the power law relationship for the mass-diameter relationship for % all snowflakes (Figure 7) [a, b] = powerlaw(DEID_Snow.D_deff,DEID_Snow.D_mmg,'D_{eff}','M',1); % Plot the power law relationship for the mass-diameter relationship for % all snowflakes (Figure 7) [a, b] = powerlaw(DEID_Snow.D_deff,DEID_Snow.D_denS,'D_{eff}','\rho',1); % Plot the power law relationship for MASC-adjusted density (Figure 10, % right) [a, b] = powerlaw(DEID_MASC.D_deff,DEID_MASC.M_den,'D_{eff}','\rho',1);