StartDate EndDate Status Progress Duration (in seconds) Finished RecordedDate ResponseId DistributionChannel UserLanguage Q6 Q6_9_TEXT Q7 Q8 Q9 Q9_10_TEXT Q10 Q10_12_TEXT Q11 Q12 Q13 Q13_10_TEXT Q14 Q14_11_TEXT Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18 Q19 Q19_4_TEXT Q20 Q20_5_TEXT Q21 Q22 10/14/2022 13:19 10/14/2022 13:20 IP Address 14 62 FALSE 10/21/2022 13:20 R_2BqCZHuu15iyr4z anonymous EN 10/14/2022 15:29 10/14/2022 15:29 IP Address 14 10 FALSE 10/21/2022 15:29 R_tSbtj43WdphuobT anonymous EN 10/19/2022 10:57 10/19/2022 11:04 IP Address 100 442 TRUE 10/19/2022 11:04 R_sFmIdhKvxkepSud anonymous EN University 1 to 3 Yes "OmekaS,Other (please specify)" Static sites "Digital Exhibits,Digital Library Research,Metadata,Website Development" Yes "Archives Outside of University Community,Community Partners,Government Agencies,Historical Societies,Museums,University Community" Yes No "Blog Posts,Social Media" "Facebook,Twitter" No 11/2/2022 9:42 11/2/2022 9:46 IP Address 100 265 TRUE 11/2/2022 9:46 R_CfRldHfpIX0ORO1 anonymous EN Special Collections / Archives 10 to 12 No "Digital Preservation,Metadata" Gave presentation to colleagues and Civil Servants on digital preservation metadata and digital preservation concepts. No No No "Mostly internal in nature, we have an email newsletter that goes out to agency employees that we post flyers in. " No 11/2/2022 9:44 11/2/2022 9:47 IP Address 100 178 TRUE 11/2/2022 9:47 R_2v0NF44uvioppN3 anonymous EN College 4 to 6 Yes "Google Sites,Scalar,Story Maps,Voyant,Other (please specify)" Omeka Classic "Copyright,Data Visualization,Digital Exhibits,Digital Library Research,Digital Preservation,Digitization,Mapping / GIS,Metadata,Project Management,Website Development" Yes University Community "Archivists,Community Members,Organizational Colleagues,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty" Yes Yes "Blog Posts,Digital Exhibits,Social Media,Other (please specify)" YouTube Instructional Videos "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,Other (please specify)" YouTube No 11/2/2022 9:45 11/2/2022 9:55 IP Address 100 603 TRUE 11/2/2022 9:55 R_QodRBIhh3VUEKTn anonymous EN University 1 to 3 Yes Other (please specify) I have provided training in both the web server backend and the dashboard interface for Omeka Classic "Digital Exhibits,Digital Preservation,Digitization,Metadata" "At my current institution all trainings have been informal instruction provided by me. I hope to collaborate with colleagues to offer formal trainings to students faculty and staff, but this collaboration is nascent." No Organizational Colleagues No No "Digital Exhibits,Social Media" Other (please specify) I don't know They are very rudimentary and we are looking to other institutions for models -- organizations where we ourselves have worked in the past or ones where people in our professional networks are working. No 11/2/2022 9:47 11/2/2022 14:40 IP Address 100 17578 TRUE 11/2/2022 14:40 R_0drycTWrwy1hKRH anonymous EN University 13+ No Digital Preservation "We host digital carpentries workshops, data science workshops for students, etc." No "Archivists,Graduate Students,Organizational Colleagues,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty" Yes Digitized materials for instruction sessions with classes Yes COVID-19 web archiving (the campus and county COVID-19 response) "Blog Posts,Digital Exhibits,Social Media" Instagram No 11/2/2022 9:49 11/2/2022 9:49 IP Address 14 18 FALSE 11/9/2022 8:49 R_ypxSofZuroIH5dv anonymous EN 11/2/2022 9:54 11/2/2022 10:06 IP Address 95 759 FALSE 11/9/2022 9:10 R_1KrnPzWRQKKdj1L anonymous EN Public Library 1 to 3 Yes "Copyright,Digitization,Metadata" Yes "Community Partners,Government Agencies,Publishers" Yes "We're at the very beginning of these activities. Since we're a public library, we don't have teachers/professors or students internally, so the first step for us is finding external partnerships who have the curriculum knowledge that we lack. The goal is to have lesson plans that use our digital collections, but also to integrate those materials into other people's lesson plans so that we're not isolated, for example, working with our state council for the social studies." Yes "So it wasn't in the digital projects department, but there was a collecting project around the BLM murals that were created in summer 2020. " Social Media Instagram "Our outreach efforts are in the beginning stages. We've been working on a large grant project for the last 6 years that didn't leave a lot of time for anything else. Also promotion (social media, press releases, website announcements, etc) is all controlled centrally, so there's a lot of coordination that needs to happen and truthfully we aren't anywhere close to their top priority when it comes to promotion. One of the outreach activities that we do have control of though is tabling at events or participating in other groups that might help get the word out about us. Lastly since we're a large organization that has had a lot of staff turnover in the last couple of years, we're also focusing on some internal outreach." Yes 11/2/2022 9:55 11/2/2022 9:56 IP Address 32 52 FALSE 11/9/2022 8:56 R_1r6pSuttUAAaXpE anonymous EN Other (please specify) State Library 1 to 3 Yes 11/2/2022 9:56 11/2/2022 10:02 IP Address 100 333 TRUE 11/2/2022 10:02 R_3lxznfNdQ10gEH7 anonymous EN Special Collections / Archives 1 to 3 No "Copyright,Digitization,Metadata" We spend time training our staff which includes student workers and volunteers as well as students in other departments of the university that may use our digital collections to add materils. Yes "Archives Outside of University Community,Historical Societies,Museums,University Community" "Graduate Students,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty" No No Social Media Facebook "We have our digital collections links (for searching) on our paper handouts about the department, and within our email, as well as on the library homepage. I do a lot of speaking to organizations as well as a monthly Zoom ""Stories from the Archives"" and tout these collections as well as our interest in digitizing resources, even if not donated to us." Yes 11/2/2022 9:56 11/2/2022 10:02 IP Address 100 350 TRUE 11/2/2022 10:02 R_3qwfq5y2NkgQlRH anonymous EN Public Library 1 to 3 Yes Omeka Net "Digitization,Metadata,Public History,Website Development" Yes "Community Partners,Historical Societies,Museums,Regional Libraries" "Archivists,Museum Curators,Non-profit Agencies,University / College Faculty" Yes We co-host summer workshops for educators focused on topics covered by one or more of our digital projects. We also partner with our local university on most projects in an effort to generate student and scholarly interest in our work. Yes We have a large web archive documenting our community's COVID response. We participate in the Internet Archive's Community Webs program and crawl sites using Archive-It. "Blog Posts,Social Media" "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter" We occasionally host library events that are related to topics of our digital projects. We use these in-person events to promote the digital collections. Yes 11/2/2022 10:03 11/2/2022 10:06 IP Address 100 179 TRUE 11/2/2022 10:06 R_1CkYKED4TmK2vkE anonymous EN University 13+ Yes "OmekaS,Scalar,Story Maps" "Copyright,Data Visualization,Digital Exhibits,Digital Preservation,Digitization,Mapping / GIS,Metadata,Project Management,Website Development" "We also teach about command-line tools, Python, R, etc." No "Archivists,Organizational Colleagues,University / College Faculty" No Yes We were involved in collecting resources from Ukraine. "Blog Posts,Digital Exhibits,Social Media" "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter" No 11/2/2022 10:03 11/2/2022 10:11 IP Address 100 437 TRUE 11/2/2022 10:11 R_2eUsQYDwJ1NbFa9 anonymous EN University 7 to 9 Yes "Omeka Net,OmekaS" "Copyright,Digital Exhibits,Digitization,Metadata" Yes Community Partners "Archivists,Community Members,Graduate Students,Organizational Colleagues,University / College Faculty" Yes No "Blog Posts,Social Media" No 11/2/2022 10:04 11/2/2022 10:12 IP Address 100 480 TRUE 11/2/2022 10:12 R_2QofbXsCMQMGW3v anonymous EN College 1 to 3 Yes Other (please specify) Custom website (Wagtail/Django CMS) "Data Visualization,Digital Exhibits,Digital Preservation,Metadata,Website Development" "Training on the technical topics above tends to be one-off or ad hoc; the Library being invited in to help a department with a particular project or a class with a special topic (e.g. metadata). These happen rarely, maybe one every year or two years." No "Archivists,Community Members,Graduate Students,Organizational Colleagues,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty" Yes "Some classes create digital exhibitions for their final projects. This process usually involves them filling out a spreadsheet with metadata and links to their files, which we input into our homemade digital exhibitions site. We also engage classes to get them to add to our digital archive/library as it collects examples of student work. I sometimes visit classes to show them how to contribute." No "Digital Exhibits,Social Media" Instagram "We technically have a Facebook and Twitter but Instagram is really the only platform where we see engagement, it is far more popular for our community (we are an art & design school). Often our outreach efforts aren't much more than ""hey look at this cool thing we did"", it is fairly challenging to effectively market the products of our labor." No 11/2/2022 10:11 11/2/2022 10:16 IP Address 100 338 TRUE 11/2/2022 10:16 R_2vYwMR8ANA5KsAp anonymous EN University 4 to 6 No "Copyright,Metadata" "Form of training: Statewide webinars, conference presentations, individual meetings with interested partners" Yes "Government Agencies,Regional Libraries" "Graduate Students,University / College Faculty" Yes The Metadata librarian has visited English 102 classes (required writing class on campus) to share how Digital Collections can be used for a particular assignment. The Metadata Librarian also makes suggestions for collections to include on particular LibGuides. Yes Not directly involved with this project "Digital Exhibits,Social Media" "Facebook,Twitter" Yes 11/2/2022 10:13 11/2/2022 10:17 IP Address 50 214 FALSE 11/9/2022 9:17 R_0IpyKeD6qFR0jqV anonymous EN Special Collections / Archives 1 to 3 Yes "Google Sites,OmekaS,Voyant" "Copyright,Data Visualization,Digital Exhibits,Digital Library Research,Digital Preservation,Digitization,Metadata,Project Management" "Various workshops on digitization and project management that included aspects of the above. Others in the library teach more focused courses on copyright, dataviz, etc depending on their expertise " Yes 11/2/2022 10:21 11/2/2022 10:25 IP Address 100 243 TRUE 11/2/2022 10:25 R_1gLQbKmgD8wbrl7 anonymous EN University 4 to 6 Yes Other (please specify) Filemaker Pro Metadata Yes "Government Agencies,Historical Societies,Regional Libraries,University Community" "Archivists,Graduate Students,Museum Curators,Organizational Colleagues,University / College Faculty" No No Social Media "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter" No 11/2/2022 11:44 11/2/2022 11:46 IP Address 100 120 TRUE 11/2/2022 11:46 R_3GpQO45rF4x3auZ anonymous EN Special Collections / Archives 13+ No "Digital Exhibits,Project Management,Public History,Website Development" Yes "Archives Outside of University Community,Community Partners,Other (please specify)" broadcasting archives "Archivists,Graduate Students,Museum Curators,University / College Faculty" Yes No "Blog Posts,Digital Exhibits,Social Media" "Facebook,Twitter" No 11/2/2022 11:52 11/2/2022 12:01 IP Address 100 544 TRUE 11/2/2022 12:01 R_3sBmHnL0YDTp7lg anonymous EN University 10 to 12 Yes "Knightlab Storytelling Tools,Omeka Net,Scalar,Story Maps,Tableau,Voyant" "Copyright,Data Visualization,Digital Exhibits,Digital Library Research,Digital Preservation,Digitization,Mapping / GIS,Metadata,Project Management,Website Development" "I've taught workshops for professional associations such as DLF, VRA, SCA, and the ARL DSI. Within the library, we've done workshops for library staff, and on campus, we work with specific groups on specific trainings for a range of tools and services. These are ad-hoc as requested and not routinely." No "Archivists,Community Members,Graduate Students,Museum Curators,Non-profit Agencies,Organizational Colleagues,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty" Yes "I have used specific collections for one-shot courses in anthropology, communications, history and ethnic studies. I also taught a full course based on a specific digital collection for a seminar course LINK. We also collaborate to build digital collections, e.g. LINK " No "Blog Posts,Digital Exhibits,Social Media" "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter" We have a standing weekly social media post that goes out on Facebook and Twitter to feature digital collections called Today I Learned (TIL). Yes 11/2/2022 12:26 11/2/2022 12:35 IP Address 100 495 TRUE 11/2/2022 12:35 R_1FOPKkB5aPcnrNE anonymous EN University 4 to 6 Yes "Omeka Net,OmekaS" "Copyright,Digital Exhibits,Digital Preservation,Digitization,Metadata,Project Management" I have led trainings on project management for digitization projects at conferences and for organizations in the state. Our digital studio manager also provides trainings on digitization equipment and workflows. I have also worked with classes designing digital exhibits for sites and am currently working on a grant with an organization using OmekaS for their digital library platform for which I provided training and workflow design support. Yes "Archives Outside of University Community,Community Partners,Historical Societies,Museums" "Community Members,Graduate Students,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty" Yes "During the pandemic, we created Canvas class modules for use that used our digital collections for the basis for in-class assignments and projects. The digital library is taught to most students who come to Special Collections for a class as part of their orientation to how to find and use our materials online and we also have classes that visit to discuss differences between physical and digital surrogates and how the differences change experiences or knowledge of users" Yes "We collected materials from the community about their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. This included photographs, journal entries and class projects. We created a simple form where anyone in the community could submit materials for the collection." "Blog Posts,Social Media" "Facebook,Instagram" "digital library services are integrated into Special Collections & Archives in our Library so we use their avenues to communicate out our materials, new collections, etc." Yes 11/2/2022 12:31 11/2/2022 12:41 IP Address 100 602 TRUE 11/2/2022 12:41 R_2zZSTMxm6IFnBbl anonymous EN College 1 to 3 Yes "Google Sites,OmekaS" "Copyright,Digital Exhibits,Digital Preservation,Digitization,Mapping / GIS,Metadata,Project Management" "Our library does an annual Digital Scholarship series (since Spring 2021) that is virtual, approximately 10 weeks, in one-hour sessions. Previously, we had an in-person Digital Humanities symposium (which only ran one year before COVID). These often lead to a number of one-on-one referrals and projects from these presentations." Yes "Community Partners,Researchers,University Community" "Archivists,Community Members,Graduate Students,Museum Curators,University / College Faculty" Yes We used some of our special local history digital archives in a project that incorporated digital items in history curricula. Yes "We have a COVID 19 digital collection that highlights scholarship at our institution (published scholarship mainly), but also highlights grants." "Digital Exhibits,Social Media" "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter" "This has been a goal for our unit, though frankly we have run out of steam/energy to do more outreach particularly. We do have a communications and marketing department in our library who has helped tremendously, though this is normally for announcements of new digital collections, grants, etc. We would love to do more, but really need more hours and probably guidance too for brainstorming ways to do this better." No 11/2/2022 13:08 11/2/2022 13:57 IP Address 100 2926 TRUE 11/2/2022 13:57 R_eb1fJYpS5bfPBId anonymous EN University 1 to 3 Yes "Knightlab Storytelling Tools,Omeka Net,OmekaS" "Copyright,Digital Exhibits,Digital Library Research,Digital Preservation,Digitization,Metadata,Project Management" Yes "Researchers,Other (please specify)" Faculty in DH "Archivists,Graduate Students,University / College Faculty" No No Other (please specify) internal confluence wiki "Facebook,Other (please specify)" institution does not promote digital collections but uses facebook "There are practically none, and historically this isn't considered important to anyone except myself as the manager" No 11/2/2022 13:16 11/2/2022 13:24 IP Address 100 441 TRUE 11/2/2022 13:24 R_2zi4ayUpbiun0PB anonymous EN College 4 to 6 Yes "OmekaS,Scalar,Story Maps" "Data Visualization,Mapping / GIS,Public History" Yes "Archives Outside of University Community,Community Partners,Museums" "Archivists,Community Members,Graduate Students,Museum Curators,Non-profit Agencies,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty" Yes Our archivist regularly uses the student newspaper digital collection and the college historical photographs collection in classes. No "Blog Posts,Social Media,Other (please specify)" library podcast; library newsletter "Instagram,Twitter" Yes 11/2/2022 14:03 11/2/2022 14:38 IP Address 100 2078 TRUE 11/2/2022 14:38 R_2TB2bqzDKcYXwd4 anonymous EN University 7 to 9 No "Copyright,Digital Preservation,Digitization" Yes "Community Partners,Historical Societies,University Community" "Archivists,Museum Curators,Organizational Colleagues" Yes "We are trying to migrate to a DAM that better integrates with LMS's, and I am trying to get a brief opportunity to speak to faculty about using our DAM during their brown bag sessions with archivists that teach them how to integrate primary source amterials in their classrooms." Yes "While the digital library did not do the footwork for this project, our folklore specialist has gather many, many oral histories of students and community members during the pandemic that we anticipate making available through our digital library. The discussions are happening." "They are pretty slim. Often I answered things in the survey before because I thought to myself, ""We did that one time, 8 years ago...""" Yes 11/2/2022 14:07 11/2/2022 14:09 IP Address 32 93 FALSE 11/9/2022 13:09 R_1poJUF0a8b8dt1I anonymous EN University 13+ Yes 11/2/2022 16:02 11/2/2022 16:02 IP Address 14 13 FALSE 11/9/2022 15:03 R_2rx8JIoFVA2lGOH anonymous EN 11/3/2022 6:18 11/3/2022 6:55 IP Address 14 2257 FALSE 11/10/2022 5:55 R_1mLfUwCI41L1Sxy anonymous EN 11/3/2022 6:47 11/3/2022 6:56 IP Address 100 570 TRUE 11/3/2022 6:57 R_3sAIYedOAuNRdtM anonymous EN University 7 to 9 Yes Other (please specify) dspace and Greenstone "Digital Preservation,Metadata" "Training on Institutional repositories, Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Life Cycle Management and Advanced Dspace configuration and customization" No University / College Faculty No No Other (please specify) regulal training seessions "Facebook,Other (please specify)" mobile application No 11/3/2022 6:57 11/3/2022 7:10 IP Address 100 816 TRUE 11/3/2022 7:10 R_2SuHUs1CCoXqutI anonymous EN University 13+ No "Copyright,Digital Library Research,Digital Preservation,Digitization,Mapping / GIS,Metadata,Project Management" "A lot of our trainings are conducted through community of practice events, as well as working group and job enrichment opportunities where staff and faculty have shown an interest in learning new skills. Additionally, our copyright team offers a workshop series at least once a year to educate the library community on the basics of copyright. " Yes "Historical Societies,Museums,Regional Libraries" "Archivists,Community Members,Graduate Students,Organizational Colleagues,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty" Yes "Our libraries have created LibGuides, digital exhibitions, story maps, collaborative websites, and instructional courses for education and outreach. The service model for these projects is not universal, as some collections get more attention that others after being published. We still struggle to make sure that the instruction and educational element is part of the long-term plan for the digital collection. These activities need to written into the plan from the start rather than an after thought. " Yes "The COVID experience project was started in 2020 by a former university archivist. Once they left the organization, the initiative lost momentum. " "Social Media,Other (please specify)" News Releases "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter" No 11/3/2022 6:59 11/3/2022 7:01 IP Address 100 167 TRUE 11/3/2022 7:01 R_1LwEvteet6wzeBx anonymous EN College 1 to 3 No Copyright Brief copyright training is offered to all incoming freshmen and graduate students as part of their library orientation. No "Graduate Students,Organizational Colleagues,Undergraduate Students" No No Social Media "Facebook,Instagram" No 11/3/2022 7:19 11/3/2022 7:26 IP Address 100 375 TRUE 11/3/2022 7:26 R_1kXLUTdniNHSsZt anonymous EN College 1 to 3 Yes "OmekaS,Other (please specify)" Islandora Copyright "We tend to do training in small, one-on-one or small group settings where there is shared responsibility or a transfer of responsibility. In-house ""conference"" days have also provided internal training opportunities. " No "Graduate Students,Organizational Colleagues,University / College Faculty" Yes Talks about project process and deliverables to classes in related disciplines on campus Yes We had an initiative to collect student documentation that only resulted in a handful of accessions. "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter" Yes 11/3/2022 8:03 11/3/2022 8:05 IP Address 100 81 TRUE 11/3/2022 8:05 R_3eyJsk5tNPkDKwO anonymous EN Community College 1 to 3 No 11/3/2022 9:36 11/3/2022 9:37 IP Address 32 65 FALSE 11/10/2022 8:37 R_2OP7O5N6kuNHJGG anonymous EN University 7 to 9 Yes 11/3/2022 10:18 11/3/2022 10:25 IP Address 100 438 TRUE 11/3/2022 10:25 R_XhAjnXCg37fsDsJ anonymous EN Special Collections / Archives 1 to 3 Yes Story Maps "Digital Library Research,Metadata,Project Management" We haven't offered any workshops. It's been more one-on-one training sessions as needed and on demand. Yes "Archives Outside of University Community,University Community" "Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty" Yes We've partnered with a few faculty members to integrate our collections into specific class assignments. Success with this is small-scale only so far. We're trying to integrate our collections into the one shot instruction sessions that our 1 FTE digital librarian teaches. No "Blog Posts,Social Media" "Instagram,Twitter" "We are concerned about the state of Twitter, as we rely on this platform as a major outlet for our news and outreach. We also don't know how to use TikTok or other platforms that are frequented by younger users. We aren't sure how to tailor our content to fit the vibe of those platforms, and our staffing is so small and busy with other tasks that we don't have time/energy to commit to researching and planning how to branch out into platforms other than Twitter and Instagram. " Yes 11/3/2022 10:20 11/3/2022 10:25 IP Address 100 302 TRUE 11/3/2022 10:25 R_3DekU5XFlXpY236 anonymous EN University 1 to 3 Yes Omeka Net "Digital Exhibits,Digital Preservation,Digitization,Metadata" No "Archivists,Community Members,K-12 Students,K-12 Teachers,Organizational Colleagues,University / College Faculty" Yes We maintain a lesson plan library on our digital repository site that uses our digital assets as foundations for study; we also teach regular one-shots that incorporate our digital assets. No "Blog Posts,Digital Exhibits,Social Media" "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter" "During the pandemic, we added a podcast that features items from our digital repository curated by guest artists. The podcast has proven to be one of our most successful outreach efforts, with several seasons and thousands of downloads. " Yes 11/3/2022 10:46 11/3/2022 10:52 IP Address 100 363 TRUE 11/3/2022 10:52 R_xrqsW1hYWENXnXz anonymous EN Other (please specify) Library association 1 to 3 Yes Other (please specify) Omeka (not S) "Copyright,Digitization,Metadata" We do webinars and one on one help for libraries contributing collections to our digital library. We go over metadata best practices and guidelines and copyright. We did do a half day workshop on these topics as well as digitization best practices - but very broadly. Yes Community Partners "Community Members,Graduate Students" No No "Blog Posts,Digital Exhibits,Social Media" Twitter We are actively trying to figure out how to get people to create exhibits or make use of items in our DL for classroom activities. If any kind of suggestions or methods come out of your research we would love to know more. Yes 11/3/2022 10:48 11/3/2022 10:50 IP Address 100 107 TRUE 11/3/2022 10:50 R_2qlAZXyErh1iTHw anonymous EN Special Collections / Archives 1 to 3 No Yes Organizational Colleagues No No "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,Other (please specify)" Tumblr No 11/3/2022 11:04 11/3/2022 11:11 IP Address 100 476 TRUE 11/3/2022 11:11 R_z6cXMBVqa6s9Z1n anonymous EN Public Library 1 to 3 No No "Community Members,Museum Curators,Organizational Colleagues,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty" Yes "We have used undergraduate students to work on both our oral histories project and some initial digitization work as part of a career-readiness program called HYPE at the local university. Through their work for us, they were able to gain special credit hours needed to graduate. We are current have a senior doing an unpaid internship in place of student teaching since she will graduate as a non-licensed education major. " Yes We had a collection of community member-submitted pieces about some positive results that their individual experiences through the pandemic created for them. "Blog Posts,Social Media" "Facebook,Instagram" No 11/3/2022 12:05 11/3/2022 12:08 IP Address 100 137 TRUE 11/3/2022 12:08 R_2P20vj0PGvry0rH anonymous EN Specialty Library 1 to 3 No Yes No No No 11/3/2022 12:59 11/3/2022 13:10 IP Address 100 628 TRUE 11/3/2022 13:10 R_z6xh2CDk2kEq1s5 anonymous EN Specialty Library 10 to 12 Yes "Google Sites,Other (please specify)" Digital Asset Management (Widen) "Copyright,Digital Library Research,Digital Preservation,Metadata,Project Management,Website Development" "We have received training from Widen, a Digital Asset Management software provider, on how to preserve and manage our organization's digital content... This training included weekly tech calls with Widen and ongoing liaison with software developers and information architects...As an organization, we have conducted internal ""knowledge sprints"" for employees for best practices on how to use and stay up-to-date with the software" Yes "Community Partners,Publishers,Researchers" Organizational Colleagues Yes "Knowledge sharing between employees (Slack, Google Docs). Professional development and workshops. Documentation for colleagues to stay up-to-date in different areas of the company (e.g. Information Technology / Brand Content Development / Software Engineering)..." No "Blog Posts,Social Media" "Instagram,Twitter,TikTok" We are active on various platforms and host a blog that attracts 3 million monthly visitors. This allows us to share knowledge about digital content and social media best practices for marketing and information professionals No 11/3/2022 18:18 11/3/2022 18:27 IP Address 100 518 TRUE 11/3/2022 18:27 R_1IbiIRA1RbGV9zz anonymous EN University 13+ Yes "Story Maps,Other (please specify)" Spotlight "Data Visualization,Digital Exhibits,Digital Library Research,Mapping / GIS,Project Management" Yes "Government Agencies,Historical Societies,Museums,Publishers,Researchers,University Community" "Archivists,Community Members,Graduate Students,Museum Curators,Non-profit Agencies,Organizational Colleagues,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty" Yes Yes "Blog Posts,Digital Exhibits,Social Media,Other (please specify)" University daily email newsletter "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter" No 11/4/2022 7:14 11/4/2022 7:22 IP Address 100 428 TRUE 11/4/2022 7:22 R_30693rUt6Zl6BKk anonymous EN Special Collections / Archives 1 to 3 Yes "Omeka Net,Story Maps" "Digital Exhibits,Digital Preservation,Digitization" One of our staff members has led workshops on digitization for the state historical society and also participates in a statewide digital preservation consortium that offers training workshops for folks about digital preservation. Yes "Community Partners,Other (please specify)" public libraries Yes Working with education professors at the university we are affiliated with to give them tools to integrate digital collections in their teacher training. Yes "Following the example of Katie Howell that was adopted by colleges and universities across the US, we created a similar ""Documenting COVID-19"" project." "Blog Posts,Social Media" "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter" "We have recently started to try to make this a core component of our digital cultural heritage work. We relied on a ""if you build it they will come"" model and that has served us adequately (we have good use statistics, but not excellent). Now, we are looking beyond building it and hope people stumble on it, and we have started crowing about it and sharing information about the digital cultural heritage we make available." Yes 11/4/2022 7:26 11/4/2022 7:30 IP Address 100 240 TRUE 11/4/2022 7:30 R_1M4Xkbwg2d782ky anonymous EN College 1 to 3 No No Archivists Yes Presentations about holdings in digital library and digital exhibitions. No Digital Exhibits Facebook No 11/4/2022 8:27 11/4/2022 8:32 IP Address 100 323 TRUE 11/4/2022 8:32 R_2bIwREsKURJbkkq anonymous EN University 4 to 6 Yes "Knightlab Storytelling Tools,OmekaS" "Digital Exhibits,Project Management,Public History" Yes "Community Partners,University Community" "Archivists,Community Members,Graduate Students,Organizational Colleagues,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty" Yes There is a section in all of our archival instruction sessions that focuses on our Digital Media Repository and our digital collections Yes We developed a community archive documenting the COVID-19 pandemic. This was a collaborative project between between the university libraries and two other community organizations. We had an online submission form and also took physical material once we were back in the Building. "Blog Posts,Digital Exhibits,Social Media" "Instagram,Twitter" No 11/4/2022 8:59 11/4/2022 9:06 IP Address 32 394 FALSE 11/11/2022 8:06 R_1H74zzYMqRVeR58 anonymous EN University 7 to 9 No 11/4/2022 9:15 11/4/2022 9:16 IP Address 32 56 FALSE 11/11/2022 8:16 R_qR4k1ucA4I77V7P anonymous EN College 1 to 3 No 11/4/2022 10:15 11/4/2022 10:21 IP Address 100 343 TRUE 11/4/2022 10:21 R_1LoeX8NZbJYgsEq anonymous EN College 13+ Yes Other (please specify) Spotlight "Copyright,Digital Exhibits,Digital Library Research,Metadata" "I train faculty members and other librarians on using Spotlight to create digital exhibits using library materials. I also train students, undergraduates and graduates, and faculty members ,within and outside of my institution, on how to find and use digital primary source materials." Yes "Community Partners,University Community" "Archivists,Community Members,Graduate Students,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty" Yes "I teach one-shots on how to find and use digital primary sources. Often these sessions are tailored to a specific class at the request of a faculty member, but I also teach more general sessions that are open to the entire University community." Yes My organization has created web archives on local and national COVID responses. "Blog Posts,Digital Exhibits,Social Media,Other (please specify)" Listservs and Newsletters "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter" Yes 11/7/2022 8:52 11/7/2022 8:56 IP Address 95 282 FALSE 11/14/2022 8:56 R_emuwizBqj6W063f anonymous EN Specialty Library 4 to 6 No No No No "Blog Posts,Social Media" "Facebook,Twitter" "Our repository is being harvested by CORE, OCLC, and others. A digital collection has been created on OCLC and made public." Yes 11/7/2022 11:11 11/7/2022 11:14 IP Address 100 152 TRUE 11/7/2022 11:14 R_10SeSh9JwzI9Sn0 anonymous EN College 1 to 3 No "Copyright,Digital Preservation,Project Management" Yes "Community Partners,Historical Societies,Researchers,University Community" "Archivists,Community Members,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty,Other (please specify)" Donors of collections: special interest groups/collectors No Yes Other (please specify) Library Website; Digital Repository websites Instagram No 11/7/2022 11:21 11/7/2022 11:33 IP Address 100 728 TRUE 11/7/2022 11:33 R_1LSyvbTCj4BjFrC anonymous EN College 13+ Yes "Copyright,Data Visualization,Digital Preservation,Mapping / GIS,Metadata,Project Management,Website Development" Yes "Archives Outside of University Community,Community Partners,Government Agencies,Researchers,University Community,Other (please specify)" Anyone who completes the submission form "Archivists,Community Members,Graduate Students,K-12 Teachers,Non-profit Agencies,Organizational Colleagues,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty,Other (please specify)" Government agencies and national and international NGOs and non-profit organizations. Yes Teacher workshops and webinars. Instructional resources for teachers. Inclusion in textbooks for various educational levels. Inclusion in test banks for course components and curricula Yes Provided tools to enable analysis of the effects of COVID-19 on various locations and populations. "Blog Posts,Digital Exhibits,Social Media,Other (please specify)" Presentations and publications "Facebook,Twitter" We are pleased to disseminate resources widely to support formal and informal educational activities. No 11/7/2022 13:13 11/7/2022 13:22 IP Address 64 549 FALSE 11/14/2022 13:22 R_1kRMh6f2PlJ8Auz anonymous EN University No Metadata Yes 11/7/2022 13:59 11/7/2022 14:03 IP Address 100 223 TRUE 11/7/2022 14:03 R_1IWb1O4Qnn3lqiV anonymous EN University 7 to 9 No "Copyright,Data Visualization,Digital Library Research,Digitization,Mapping / GIS,Metadata" No "Archivists,Community Members,K-12 Teachers,Museum Curators,Organizational Colleagues,University / College Faculty" Yes We have a faculty institute on assignment design using digital collections and do regular outreach activities to faculty and K-12. Yes "We have done rapid response collecting for the 1 October shooting in Las Vegas and for the COVID-19 pandemic. We collect Twitter data, visual materials documentation and oral histories." "Blog Posts,Digital Exhibits,Social Media" "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter" Yes 11/8/2022 4:28 11/8/2022 4:32 IP Address 100 272 TRUE 11/8/2022 4:32 R_3gUyeczhEgczjq8 anonymous EN Public Library 13+ Yes Omeka Net "Copyright,Digital Preservation" No Community Members No No Blog Posts Facebook No 11/8/2022 5:00 11/8/2022 5:01 IP Address 14 29 FALSE 11/15/2022 5:01 R_265cvowbKhGCgEs anonymous EN 11/8/2022 13:30 11/8/2022 13:34 IP Address 100 261 TRUE 11/8/2022 13:34 R_12myXdseIl4u8yL anonymous EN University 4 to 6 Yes Knightlab Storytelling Tools "Copyright,Digital Exhibits,Metadata" Yes "Archives Outside of University Community,Community Partners,Government Agencies,Historical Societies,Museums,Regional Libraries,University Community" "Archivists,Community Members,Organizational Colleagues" Yes "We have developed content that can be used by educators, such as primary source sets." No "Digital Exhibits,Social Media" "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter" We are working on expanding our efforts with new projects and initiatives to have broader reach generally and better meet the needs of K-12 educators specifically. Yes 11/8/2022 14:47 11/8/2022 15:01 IP Address 100 876 TRUE 11/8/2022 15:01 R_1QhDzPbbxbBa98q anonymous EN Special Collections / Archives 13+ Yes "Tableau,Other (please specify)" "Microsoft Powerapps, our in-house cataloging system" "Copyright,Digital Library Research,Digital Preservation,Digitization,Metadata,Project Management,Website Development,Other (please specify)" "Access policies, information literacy" "We do quite a bit of internal training. Externally-facing training focuses on info literacy and how to navigate our collections, our digital research tools, and research services. " Yes "Archives Outside of University Community,Community Partners,Government Agencies,Historical Societies,Museums,Publishers,Regional Libraries,Researchers,University Community" "Archivists,Community Members,Graduate Students,Museum Curators,Organizational Colleagues,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty" Yes Many professors assign their students projects intended to familiarize their students with our institution and collections. Yes Two examples are COVID response and global refugee experience. "Blog Posts,Digital Exhibits,Social Media,Other (please specify)" "Email newsletter, direct collaboration with university programs and news media" "Facebook,Twitter,Other (please specify)" 3rd part blogs that cover our particular domain Yes 11/8/2022 15:09 11/9/2022 12:37 IP Address 100 77243 TRUE 11/9/2022 12:37 R_3HzAI87foGsPMFt anonymous EN Public Library 1 to 3 Yes "Omeka Net,Other (please specify)" Homegrown Digital platform based on Drupal 7 "Copyright,Digital Exhibits,Digitization,Metadata,Other (please specify)" Staff training on how to research for metadata like identifying people and dating items. "Training at our organization is informal. Usually me working with staff that are new to the work. When possible this is done in scheduled group training. Most often it is metadata, copyright, and research training since this is shared by our cataloging department. Less often other staff help with exhibit building and receive training on that. Volunteers do digitization and I also have a training program for them." Yes "Community Partners,Historical Societies,Other (please specify)" "Project contributors who may be businesses, organized groups, or individual creators that are not formal community partners." "Community Members,Non-profit Agencies,Other (please specify)" Local businesses and social groups. No No "Digital Exhibits,Social Media,Other (please specify)" We have also done press releases and interviews with press for selected collections. "Facebook,Twitter" Yes 11/9/2022 3:49 11/9/2022 3:57 IP Address 100 479 TRUE 11/9/2022 3:57 R_AogzHhni2i24Brz anonymous EN University 10 to 12 No "Digital Library Research,Digital Preservation,Metadata" "Digital scholarship training, particularly surrounding open access, bibliodiversity, open research, research data management, and so forth." Yes "Community Partners,Researchers" "Archivists,Community Members,Organizational Colleagues,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty" No Yes The response has assumed a number of forms: 1 Team colleagues engaging with the University web team to capture and digital preserve website content pertaining to COVID. 2 Engaging with regional public health bodies to aggregate COVID related research content from regional universities in a central aggregation repository. Social Media Twitter Yes 11/9/2022 7:38 11/9/2022 7:40 IP Address 32 68 FALSE 11/16/2022 7:40 R_BP3hx6rDgxrV3BT anonymous EN University 4 to 6 No 11/9/2022 9:52 11/9/2022 9:56 IP Address 100 204 TRUE 11/9/2022 9:56 R_C8JnTfMUvi9s05r anonymous EN University 4 to 6 No "Copyright,Digital Exhibits,Digitization,Metadata,Project Management" Yes "Community Partners,Government Agencies,University Community" "Graduate Students,K-12 Teachers,University / College Faculty,Other (please specify)" Governmental offices/employees Yes Used a digitized primary source collection to build a story about real people for K-12 students Yes Black lives matter and COVID response collections are ongoing web archiving efforts "Blog Posts,Digital Exhibits,Social Media" "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter" No 11/9/2022 10:01 11/9/2022 10:08 IP Address 32 403 FALSE 11/16/2022 10:08 R_zczhYj4zMk5bbyx anonymous EN Specialty Library 1 to 3 Yes 11/9/2022 10:33 11/9/2022 10:41 IP Address 100 455 TRUE 11/9/2022 10:41 R_2UVNX2jIUm6Eds0 anonymous EN Special Collections / Archives 1 to 3 No No "Archivists,Community Members,Graduate Students,Non-profit Agencies,Organizational Colleagues,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty" Yes "Planning, prepping, and providing presentations on campus takes up the majority of the rare books departmentĘs workload during Fall and Spring semesters. In addition to in-person classes, online access points such as the Rare Books blog, digital exhibitions, and digital library browsing have allowed students and faculty to understand the breadth and depth of the collection. Since the pandemic, new digital access points were created to imitate ,though not replace, the hands-on experience, through the use of videos, online lectures, and opportunities for course-integrated research consultations." No "Blog Posts,Digital Exhibits,Social Media" "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter" Yes 11/9/2022 10:37 11/9/2022 10:39 IP Address 100 135 TRUE 11/9/2022 10:39 R_1LjqxH4kzz7gqMd anonymous EN Community College 1 to 3 No No No No No 11/9/2022 12:19 11/9/2022 12:26 IP Address 100 402 TRUE 11/9/2022 12:26 R_1mOD2lVPx5A6U2Y anonymous EN Museum 1 to 3 Yes Other (please specify) Drupal website "Copyright,Digital Exhibits,Digital Library Research,Digital Preservation,Digitization,Mapping / GIS,Metadata,Project Management,Public History,Website Development" Yes Community Partners Yes "We do in person tours with other museums/childrens schools/ scout programs that show how the company works (button making) next door (our primary donor) and then how the items they create can eventually become part of the collective story/history and show them things relating to their cause on display in our exhibits or in the flat file archives so they can connect to history and see how they are a part of it. Our digital collection can take fan buttons or submissions as entries, so we can show the group that they can also participate in museum or archiving as a career and understand that it is a way to share their love of buttons, love of history, or grow a collective fandom for the subject of their buttons." No "Blog Posts,Digital Exhibits,Social Media" Instagram No 11/9/2022 12:49 11/9/2022 12:53 IP Address 100 249 TRUE 11/9/2022 12:53 R_1Olg6FLP8pLFOEL anonymous EN Special Collections / Archives 10 to 12 No Yes "Community Partners,Historical Societies,University Community" "Archivists,Community Members,Graduate Students,Museum Curators,Non-profit Agencies,Organizational Colleagues,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty" Yes Yes "Blog Posts,Digital Exhibits,Social Media" "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,TikTok" No 11/9/2022 14:10 11/9/2022 14:10 IP Address 14 19 FALSE 11/16/2022 14:11 R_1HhNjY0udjeXhOR anonymous EN 11/9/2022 15:35 11/9/2022 15:38 IP Address 100 163 TRUE 11/9/2022 15:38 R_1kIj527MfMG1q8V anonymous EN University 7 to 9 Yes "Google Sites,Knightlab Storytelling Tools,Omeka Net,OmekaS,Scalar,Story Maps,Tableau,Voyant,Other (please specify)" collection builder "Copyright,Data Visualization,Digital Exhibits,Digital Library Research,Digital Preservation,Mapping / GIS,Public History,Website Development" Yes Museums "Archivists,Community Members,Graduate Students,Organizational Colleagues,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty" Yes Yes Digital Exhibits "Instagram,Twitter" No 11/9/2022 17:43 11/9/2022 17:44 IP Address 32 57 FALSE 11/16/2022 17:44 R_8CeQpc0yb6dPKPT anonymous EN Public Library 4 to 6 Yes 11/9/2022 17:44 11/9/2022 17:48 IP Address 100 197 TRUE 11/9/2022 17:48 R_1eJXHsOrtxaw42B anonymous EN Historical Society 1 to 3 No Public History No "Archivists,Graduate Students,K-12 Students,K-12 Teachers,Museum Curators,Organizational Colleagues,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty" Yes primary source sets for teachers and students Yes covid 19 project "Digital Exhibits,Social Media" "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter" No 11/9/2022 18:41 11/9/2022 18:45 IP Address 64 195 FALSE 11/16/2022 18:45 R_1JIvSrgYB4nKr6w anonymous EN Specialty Library 7 to 9 No "Copyright,Digital Library Research,Project Management" No Yes 11/10/2022 1:05 11/10/2022 1:12 IP Address 100 420 TRUE 11/10/2022 1:12 R_yTLLjOjgykqrlqp anonymous EN University 4 to 6 Yes "Knightlab Storytelling Tools,Omeka Net,Scalar,Story Maps,Tableau,Voyant,Other (please specify)" CollectionBuilder "Copyright,Data Visualization,Digital Exhibits,Digital Library Research,Digital Preservation,Digitization,Mapping / GIS,Metadata,Project Management,Website Development" Yes "Community Partners,Historical Societies,University Community" "Archivists,Community Members,Graduate Students,Museum Curators,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty" Yes classroom instruction in history courses digitization to digital exhibit; lots of workshops; curation projects; fellowship projects / directed study Yes zines; web archiving "Blog Posts,Digital Exhibits,Social Media" "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,Other (please specify)" tumblr No 11/10/2022 2:14 11/10/2022 2:15 IP Address 14 17 FALSE 11/17/2022 2:15 R_1SoLro9ntrG6Vs5 anonymous EN 11/10/2022 6:37 11/10/2022 6:42 IP Address 50 330 FALSE 11/17/2022 6:43 R_2z8tO7wIlKEw2o0 anonymous EN Other (please specify) Genealogy Website 13+ No "Digital Library Research,Other (please specify)" Yes 11/10/2022 6:53 11/10/2022 6:54 IP Address 14 27 FALSE 11/17/2022 6:54 R_2RNT9R8dcZ9ZknZ anonymous EN 11/10/2022 8:28 11/10/2022 8:29 IP Address 14 45 FALSE 11/17/2022 8:29 R_sXvdGLNiSDlNAY1 anonymous EN 11/10/2022 8:37 11/10/2022 8:37 IP Address 14 15 FALSE 11/17/2022 8:38 R_TcSZtAKVakaWkoh anonymous EN 11/10/2022 8:43 11/10/2022 8:44 IP Address 0 63 FALSE 11/17/2022 8:44 R_32Maw3Rg2Sq7Plp anonymous EN 11/10/2022 9:09 11/10/2022 9:10 IP Address 14 3 FALSE 11/17/2022 9:10 R_2D7dlGqmLh4A91G anonymous EN 11/10/2022 9:16 11/10/2022 9:17 IP Address 14 46 FALSE 11/17/2022 9:17 R_271CR1fY1fpdokF anonymous EN 11/10/2022 9:25 11/10/2022 9:25 IP Address 14 31 FALSE 11/17/2022 9:25 R_1In4zX9TZsEikst anonymous EN 11/10/2022 9:26 11/10/2022 9:28 IP Address 100 80 TRUE 11/10/2022 9:28 R_1KjnZk4Qt3wCAoQ anonymous EN Public Library 1 to 3 No No No Social Media "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter" No 11/10/2022 12:19 11/10/2022 12:20 IP Address 32 47 FALSE 11/17/2022 12:20 R_AgqOqWjEq2Rv8fD anonymous EN Public Library 1 to 3 No 11/10/2022 13:22 11/10/2022 13:23 IP Address 14 59 FALSE 11/17/2022 13:23 R_77jGMCKupmrTtn3 anonymous EN 11/10/2022 15:15 11/10/2022 15:18 IP Address 100 198 TRUE 11/10/2022 15:18 R_3nIsUom6V1hldeb anonymous EN College 7 to 9 No No No Yes A collection of COVID oral histories that will be posted online. It is lacking. No 11/13/2022 23:12 11/13/2022 23:13 IP Address 100 70 TRUE 11/13/2022 23:13 R_2ONs1WKQXHwP63C anonymous EN Specialty Library 13+ No 11/14/2022 9:50 11/14/2022 9:52 IP Address 32 75 FALSE 11/20/2022 8:35 R_27HHrk69u91XenE anonymous EN Public Library 1 to 3 No 11/14/2022 10:06 11/14/2022 10:59 IP Address 95 3177 FALSE 11/20/2022 8:35 R_1feEIiUAHZDEMRI anonymous EN University 1 to 3 No "Digital Library Research,Metadata" We've hosted a workshop on digital library research for regional libraries and historical societies who were preparing to host exhibits from the Utah Humanities Council. We also provide workshops on digital library research for undergraduate classes who have scheduled visits the Archives. I've provided lots of informal training sessions to some of our Mountain West Digital Library partners on metadata assignment. Yes "Archives Outside of University Community,Community Partners,Historical Societies,Museums,Regional Libraries,Researchers,University Community" "Organizational Colleagues,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty" Yes "We've collaborated with a faculty member and his humanities class to create and host both a physical exhibit and a digital exhibit on their assigned topics; we invite a number of honors, humanities and social science classes to visit the Archives, where both the physical and digital collections are showcased and used for in-class and after-class primary-source-related assignments; I work with committee members of the DEPARTMENT NAME (NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME) and with the undergraduate student researchers and presenters to encourage them to use previously-submitted materials for their own research, and also to submit their own undergraduate research posters and presentations to me to add to our digital collections devoted to student research--this includes attending the campus poster presentations and talking to each student and faculty mentor; I've created specific digital collections to showcase special faculty-mentored student projects and presentations, such as grant-funded service-learning projects, which also provide research materials to future students participating in the project." Yes "One was a COVID-19-related collection focused on the university community, which started with the library staff submitting photographs and narratives of their experiences--some worked remotely, while others were required to still staff the library since the library didn't shut down. The collection soon branched out to photographs of the campus and then students off-campus. A second piece to this will be added soon, where the library marketing staff solicited responses from library visitors over the past few months about how COVID-19 has affected them--the responses will be added to the existing collection. Another rapid-response collecting project has revolved around the committee members of the campus Annual Martin Luther King Jr., Commemoration, which has been celebrated on campus for almost 30 years. Several founding committee members are retiring, so the archivist and I reacted quickly to gather physical materials and oral history interviews from those people and others to start both a physical and digital collection about the history of the Commemoration on campus. " Social Media "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,TikTok" "I ask the library marketing department to highlight any digital collections that correspond to a particular local or national event, such as Women's History Month, Native American Heritage Month, Veterans' Day, etc. I try to do outreach to faculty members regarding the institutional repository for both faculty and faculty-mentored scholarship, usually by trying to get invited to various committee meetings to show what we have for them. I try to work through our library representative on the campus IT committee to promote what we have that can help with faculty RTP. I also work with the library's cataloging department to make sure that most of our digital collections have at least a collection-level record in the OPAC, and that the materials written by most individual authors of full-text digital materials, whether students, staff, or faculty, have records as well." Yes 11/14/2022 15:30 11/14/2022 15:30 IP Address 14 27 FALSE 11/20/2022 8:35 R_1JDRmXKJKSxTlPD anonymous EN 11/14/2022 16:28 11/14/2022 16:29 IP Address 14 30 FALSE 11/20/2022 8:35 R_10DkTqsny6w8coP anonymous EN 11/15/2022 9:28 11/15/2022 9:32 IP Address 100 264 TRUE 11/15/2022 9:32 R_2CjF4q44x5VsqOl anonymous EN University 1 to 3 Yes "Story Maps,Other (please specify)" Omeka Classic; ContentDM "Copyright,Digital Exhibits,Digital Library Research,Mapping / GIS,Metadata,Public History,Other (please specify)" Open Access Yes Historical Societies University / College Faculty No No "We are in our first stages - I'm a regional public university, I was hired in Sumer 2022 and am the first person focused digital collections at the library. Some work was done in small parts previously, but without using any standards or creating policies. I'm starting a whole program for the university." Yes 11/15/2022 9:28 11/15/2022 9:28 IP Address 14 16 FALSE 11/20/2022 8:35 R_33pwh0KBG3W1HGz anonymous EN 11/15/2022 9:52 11/15/2022 9:53 IP Address 14 29 FALSE 11/20/2022 8:35 R_xgZuoIGHJJ5sjnj anonymous EN 11/15/2022 11:44 11/15/2022 11:46 IP Address 100 129 TRUE 11/15/2022 11:46 R_2Cv4Zt3z6lulvqC anonymous EN University 10 to 12 Yes "Digital Commons Exhibits,Google Sites,OmekaS,Scalar,Tableau" "Digital Exhibits,Digital Library Research,Digitization,Mapping / GIS,Public History,Website Development" No "Archivists,Graduate Students,Organizational Colleagues,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty" Yes No "Blog Posts,Digital Exhibits,Social Media" "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,TikTok" No 11/15/2022 13:43 11/15/2022 13:43 IP Address 14 28 FALSE 11/20/2022 8:35 R_3JIQ96zPMmKrrTg anonymous EN 11/15/2022 13:49 11/15/2022 13:52 IP Address 100 172 TRUE 11/15/2022 13:52 R_3dGKEH24dm3YVO8 anonymous EN University 7 to 9 Yes Other (please specify) Wordpress and Concrete 5 "Copyright,Digital Exhibits,Digital Preservation,Digitization,Metadata,Project Management,Public History" Yes "Archives Outside of University Community,Community Partners,Historical Societies,Museums,Researchers" "Archivists,Community Members,Graduate Students,Museum Curators,Non-profit Agencies,Organizational Colleagues,University / College Faculty" Yes Yes n/a "Blog Posts,Digital Exhibits,Social Media" "Facebook,Twitter,Other (please specify)" "Tumblr, Flickr" n/a No 11/15/2022 13:50 11/15/2022 13:51 IP Address 100 73 TRUE 11/15/2022 13:51 R_1mnjnYMn37v3sYR anonymous EN Public Library 13+ Yes "Story Maps,Tableau" 11/15/2022 13:52 11/15/2022 13:52 IP Address 14 4 FALSE 11/20/2022 8:35 R_3CZ2G3LKfP5aNVo anonymous EN 11/15/2022 13:58 11/15/2022 14:02 IP Address 100 211 TRUE 11/15/2022 14:02 R_11ZMmRbGVwzPHGw anonymous EN University 7 to 9 Yes "Story Maps,Tableau" "Copyright,Data Visualization,Digital Preservation,Mapping / GIS,Metadata,Project Management,Website Development" Yes "Researchers,University Community" University / College Faculty Yes guest lectures only No Social Media "Instagram,Twitter" No 11/15/2022 14:00 11/17/2022 6:51 IP Address 64 147079 FALSE 11/20/2022 8:35 R_3I3QlgVY9GAXLxG anonymous EN University 4 to 6 Yes Other (please specify) "Copyright,Data Visualization,Digital Exhibits,Digital Library Research,Digital Preservation,Digitization,Mapping / GIS,Metadata,Project Management,Public History,Website Development,Other (please specify)" geolocation "We have developed an open source digital platform called LINK, based off of the NAME platform in Hungary. The project specializes in historical photos and Iowa family snapshots. We are building the platform so that a separate, autonomous ""NAME"" can serve every state (see our about: LINK" Yes "Archives Outside of University Community,Community Partners,Historical Societies,Museums,Regional Libraries" "Archivists,Community Members,Graduate Students,K-12 Students,K-12 Teachers,Museum Curators,Non-profit Agencies,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty,Other (please specify)" Public Libraries Yes 11/15/2022 15:32 11/15/2022 16:30 IP Address 100 3474 TRUE 11/15/2022 16:30 R_1fjAGtVIrUGEjuo anonymous EN Other (please specify) 1 to 3 No No No 11/15/2022 19:48 11/15/2022 20:01 IP Address 100 738 TRUE 11/15/2022 20:01 R_1Ehr29TglepKJC6 anonymous EN University 13+ Yes "Google Sites,Omeka Net,OmekaS" "Metadata,Project Management,Website Development" Yes "Archives Outside of University Community,Community Partners,Historical Societies,Researchers,University Community" "Archivists,Community Members,Museum Curators,Organizational Colleagues,University / College Faculty" Yes "misleading question, previous question asked about instruction by organization and this question assume survey taker is the one who integrated digital collections into instructional/educational activities? I've integrated the management of collections into experiential learning for my student workers." Yes "Digital Exhibits,Social Media,Other (please specify)" virtual exhibit Facebook I feel instruction and outreach effort defined by the library domain is too narrow. The reach of outreach is always such a low rate and inefficient. I hope library professionals take business courses No 11/16/2022 9:04 11/16/2022 9:07 IP Address 100 205 TRUE 11/16/2022 9:07 R_1PaQxRKwWcv9Ocl anonymous EN College 1 to 3 Yes "Knightlab Storytelling Tools,OmekaS,Story Maps,Voyant,Other (please specify)" "Omeka Classic, Wordpress" "Copyright,Data Visualization,Digital Exhibits,Digital Library Research,Digital Preservation,Digitization,Mapping / GIS,Metadata,Project Management,Public History,Website Development" No "Archivists,Community Members,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty" Yes No Digital Exhibits "Facebook,Instagram" No 11/16/2022 10:12 11/16/2022 10:18 IP Address 95 365 FALSE 11/20/2022 8:35 R_3KZsa3sBqoPqGy0 anonymous EN Other (please specify) Polytechnic 1 to 3 No "Copyright,Digital Library Research,Digital Preservation,Digitization,Metadata,Other (please specify)" Open Access and OER No "Archivists,Organizational Colleagues,University / College Faculty" Yes "Capstone project for a program is to do research and write an article - that get's published in the IR. Tutorials are given on copyright, open access, open licenses, and open education resources." No "Blog Posts,Social Media" "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter" "Copyright, open access, open licenses (CC), and open education are part of digital collection education. That training gets delivered to faculty and students." Yes 11/16/2022 10:50 11/16/2022 10:55 IP Address 100 284 TRUE 11/16/2022 10:55 R_5pVIrMaTefA2FPP anonymous EN University 1 to 3 Yes "Digital Commons Exhibits,OmekaS,Scalar" "Copyright,Digital Exhibits,Metadata,Other (please specify)" Yes "Community Partners,University Community" "Archivists,Community Members,Graduate Students,Organizational Colleagues,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty" Yes Yes "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter" No 11/16/2022 13:55 11/16/2022 14:00 IP Address 100 337 TRUE 11/16/2022 14:00 R_1K9HODmcOgj9n6R anonymous EN University 10 to 12 Yes "Google Sites,OmekaS,Tableau" "Copyright,Digital Exhibits,Digital Library Research,Digital Preservation,Digitization,Metadata" Yes "Archives Outside of University Community,Community Partners,Government Agencies,Historical Societies,Museums,Publishers,Regional Libraries,University Community" "Archivists,Community Members,Graduate Students,K-12 Students,K-12 Teachers,Museum Curators,Non-profit Agencies,Organizational Colleagues,University / College Faculty" Yes LINK No "Blog Posts,Digital Exhibits,Social Media,Other (please specify)" "listserv, quarterly newsletter" "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter" "We host an annual ""Partner Day"" for our statewide partners. LINK" Yes 11/16/2022 14:58 11/16/2022 15:00 IP Address 100 149 TRUE 11/16/2022 15:00 R_2dJVu376YC3Ubxn anonymous EN University 4 to 6 Yes "Knightlab Storytelling Tools,Scalar,Story Maps,Voyant" "Data Visualization,Digital Exhibits,Digitization,Mapping / GIS,Metadata" No "Archivists,Graduate Students,Organizational Colleagues,Undergraduate Students,University / College Faculty" Yes No "Digital Exhibits,Social Media" "Facebook,Instagram,Twitter" No 11/16/2022 20:54 11/16/2022 20:56 IP Address 100 124 TRUE 11/16/2022 20:56 R_5BygmaMt7HToqTT anonymous EN Public Library 1 to 3 No No No Social Media "Facebook,Instagram" No