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- Description:
- This study aims to quantify rare earth element enrichment within coal and coal-adjacent strata in the Uinta Region of Utah and western Colorado. Rare earth elements are a subset of critical minerals used for renewable energy technology in the transition toward carbon-neutral energy. This data contains samples from seven active mines and seven stratigraphically complete cores within the Uinta Region, geochemically evaluated via portable X-ray fluorescence (n=3,113) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (n=143) elemental abundance methods. Historical evaluations of geochemical data on Uinta Region coal and coal-adjacent data are sparse, emphasizing the statistical significance of this study’s analyses. These results support the utilization of active mines and coal processing waste piles for the future of domestic rare earth element extraction, offering economic and environmental solutions to pressing global demands.
- Keyword:
- Mesaverde Group, Cretaceous, coal, critical minerals, energy transition, Blackhawk Formation, Uinta Region, and rare earth elements
- Subject:
- stratigraphy, geochemistry, coal resources, sedimentology, and economic geology
- Creator:
- Birgenheier, Lauren, Coe, Haley, Gall, Ryan, Fernandez, Diego, Giebel, Andrew, Vanden Berg, Michael D., and Free, Michael
- Contributor:
- Hamidat, Amin and Starkie, Erin
- Owner:
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, Uinta Basin, Utah, United States, and Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 12/14/2023
- Date Modified:
- 12/19/2023
- Date Created:
- 2022-05-23 to 2023-03-01
- License:
- Public Domain – This data is free of copyright restrictions (e.g. government sponsored data).
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- This dataset provides access to data from personnel records of miner employment from 1900–1919. Records from the Utah Copper Company are handwritten and contain the following employee information: name, date employed, address, dependents, age, weight, height, eyes, hair, gender, and nationality. Data has been transcribed and released as a .tsv (Tab Separated Values) file. Technical metadata has been redacted.
- Keyword:
- mining, copper miners, Bingham Copper Mine, and labor records
- Subject:
- mining camps, miners, Bingham Copper Mine (Utah), and copper miners
- Creator:
- Neatrour, Anna and Wittmann, Rachel Jane
- Depositor:
- Kaylee Alexander
- Owner:
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 11/16/2023
- Date Modified:
- 11/05/2024
- Date Created:
- 1900-01-01 to 1919-12-31 (original data) and 2019-01-01 to 2021-12-31 (transcribed)
- License:
- CCO – As the data author, you are choosing to place your data into the public domain.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- This dataset encompasses the results of a series of controlled experiments conducted at the University of Utah's Industrial Hygiene Research Laboratory between November 2021 and November 2022. It includes data from tests assessing aerosol containment and surface contamination using the U-COVER device. The dataset details the effectiveness of different device designs (D1A, D1B, D2) in containing salt aerosols under various conditions, including with and without exhaust ventilation. Measurements were conducted using GRIMM Model 1.109 Portable Aerosol Spectrometers and analyzed for particle size distributions and concentrations. The findings provide insights into the protective capabilities of the U-COVER device in medical settings, with implications for healthcare worker safety."
- Keyword:
- Aerosol Containment , U-COVER Device, Industrial Hygiene, Particle Measurement, Ventilation Effects, Healthcare Worker Safety, Air Quality Monitoring and Assessment, Laboratory Safety and Testing Methods, and Infection Control in Healthcare
- Subject:
- Environmental Monitoring, Infection Control , Respiratory Protective Devices, Aerosols, Occupational Health , and Environmental Health
- Creator:
- Fang, Runcheng, Andrus, Niles, Dominguez, Thomas, Sleeth, Darrah K., and Jones, Rachael M.
- Owner:
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Utah State University, Utah, United States
- Date Uploaded:
- 11/09/2023
- Date Modified:
- 12/04/2023
- Date Created:
- 2021-11-01 to 2022-11-30
- License:
- CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- Objectives: Falls in hospitals pose a significant safety risk, leading to injuries, prolonged hospitalization, and lasting complications. This study explores the potential of augmented reality (AR) technology in healthcare facility design to mitigate fall risk. Background: Few studies have investigated the impact of hospital room layouts on falls due to the high cost of building physical prototypes. This study introduces an innovative approach using AR technology to advance methods for healthcare facility design efficiently. Methods: Ten healthy participants enrolled in this study to examine different hospital room designs in AR. Factors of interest included room configuration, door type, exit side of the bed, toilet placement, and the presence of IV equipment. AR trackers captured trajectories of the body as participants navigated through these AR hospital layouts, providing insights into user behavior and preferences. Results: Door type influenced the degree of backward and sideways movement, with the presence of an IV pole intensifying the interaction between door and room type, leading to increased sideways and backward motion. Participants displayed varying patterns of backward and sideways travel depending on the specific room configurations they encountered. Conclusions: AR can be an efficient and cost-effective method to modify room configurations to identify important design factors before conducting physical testing. The results of this study provide valuable insights into the effect of environmental factors on movement patterns in simulated hospital rooms. These results highlight the importance of considering environmental factors, such as the type of door and bathroom location, when designing healthcare facilities.
- Keyword:
- hospital room and fall prevention
- Subject:
- Patients' Rooms and Accident Prevention
- Creator:
- Seddighi, Nooshin, Fino, Peter C. , and Wong, Bob
- Owner:
- Madison Golden
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- University of Utah, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 11/09/2023
- Date Modified:
- 10/29/2024
- Date Created:
- 2022-07-14 to 2022-11-18
- License:
- Other – See README file for more information.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- Isotopic data in this database includes 863 samples from 34 papers and three previously published compilations. For each sample, this database provides location, age, and reference information presented in the first columns. Locations are recorded in latitude and longitude (WGS84). The information about the location source uses the same criteria used for the elemental geochemical database (“GPS”, “Figure-Polygon” and “Figure-Point”). Age is provided according to the original source and includes two general scenarios: an age with uncertainty at 2σ level and a general estimation for the age with no associated error. Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr data are based on whole rock analysis. Lu-Hf data are based on zircon analysis. Sm-Nd data includes Sm and Nd in ppm, 147Nd/144Nd and 143Nd/144Nd in ratios, Nd uncertainties at 2σ level, and Nd values in the epsilon notation as presented in the data source. Rb-Sr data include Rb and Sr in ppm; 87Rb/86Sr, 87Sr/86Sr, and initial 87Sr/86Sr in ratios, and Sr uncertainties at 2σ level. Lu-Hf data includes 176Yb/177Hf, 176Lu/177Hf, and 176Hf/177Hf rations and their uncertainties at 2σ level, the initial 176/177Hf ratio, Hf values in the epsilon notation and Hf uncertainties at 1σ and 2σ level, all as presented in the data source. Uncertainties related to the data location and heterogenous data distribution should be considered. Samples for the two batholiths in Mongolia are concentrated in central Mongolia and include Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf data. In the Erguna and Xing’an magmatic provinces, available samples provide mainly Lu-Hf data which are relatively better distributed than in the other regions.
- Keyword:
- Mongolia, Mongol-Okhotsk Belt, magmatism, isotope geochemistry, and database
- Subject:
- Isotope geochemistry
- Creator:
- Ochir, Gerel, Lambart, Sarah, Lippert, Peter C., Henriquez, Susana, Johnson, Cari L., and Webb, Laura
- Owner:
- Kaylee Alexander
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Mongolia, , Mongolia
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 10/27/2023
- Date Modified:
- 02/28/2024
- Date Created:
- 2020-05-01 to 2023-06-18
- License:
- Public Domain – This data is free of copyright restrictions (e.g. government sponsored data).
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- This dataset contains code used to generate and the results of 2D numerical modeling simulations of ambient resonance in damaged rock slopes. All simulations were performed using the Universal Distinct Element Code (UDEC) version 7.0. We simulated progressive damage for three different landslide types: slab toppling, flexural toppling, and planar sliding. For each scenario we simulated several stages of progressive rock slope damage. Subsequently, we recorded the resonance response of the rock slope at each stage by measuring x-direction velocity at one or more measuring points throughout the model.
- Subject:
- landslides, mathematical modeling, slope stability, and engineering geology
- Creator:
- Moore, Jeffrey R. and Jensen, Erin K.
- Owner:
- Jeff Moore
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Utah, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 10/18/2023
- Date Modified:
- 10/28/2023
- Date Created:
- 2023-01-01 to 2023-10-18
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- This data set contains 12-hour manual new snow and liquid precipitation equivalent (LPE) observations collected at the Alta-Collins (CLN) snow-study plot during the 2000–2023 cool seasons (October 1–April 30 with the year defined by the ending calendar year). CLN is located mid-mountain at Alta Ski Area in the Wasatch Range of northern Utah (approximately 111.63889W, 40.57607N) at an elevation of 2945 m.
- Keyword:
- precipitation and atmospheric sciences
- Subject:
- atmospheric moisture
- Creator:
- Wasserstein, Michael L. and Steenburgh, Jim
- Contributor:
- Alta Ski Area
- Owner:
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Alta, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 09/14/2023
- Date Modified:
- 06/03/2024
- Date Created:
- 1999-01-01 to 2023-12-31
- License:
- CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- See attached README for further description.
- Keyword:
- surface electric fields and FDTD
- Subject:
- electric field
- Creator:
- Sharma Paneru, Prashanna
- Owner:
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 09/11/2023
- Date Modified:
- 06/03/2024
- Date Created:
- 2021-05-01 to 2023-09-30
- License:
- Public Domain – This data is free of copyright restrictions (e.g. government sponsored data).
- Identifier:
Dataset for: Anatomical Variations of the Cardiac Conduction System in Healthy Neonatal Human Hearts
- Description:
- See README file for further description.
- Keyword:
- congenital heart surgery and computer vision
- Subject:
- Heart Defects, Congenital and Thoracic Surgery
- Creator:
- Cottle, Brian, Hitchcock, Robert, and Sachse, Frank
- Depositor:
- Madison Golden
- Owner:
- Brian Cottle
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 09/01/2023
- Date Modified:
- 11/29/2023
- Date Created:
- 2021-04-01 to 2023-08-31
- License:
- CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- The purpose of this derived dataset was to analyze menstrual cycle lengths in relation to lunar calendar. This datafile of start and end date of 3324 menstrual cycles of 581 women is part of a combined dataset of three cohorts of heterosexually active women who received instruction in the Creighton Model FertilityCare System (CrM) through centres across the United States and Canada. The CrM has standardised protocols for teaching women how to observe, record, and interpret daily vaginal discharge from bleeding and cervical fluid on a daily diary, called a CrM chart, and to use these standardised observations to identify the estimated time of ovulation and days when intercourse is likely to result in pregnancy. The cohorts included: "Creighton Model Effectiveness, Intentions, and Behaviours Assessment" (CEIBA) (2009–2013), a prospective cohort of women without known subfertility, aimed to evaluate and classify pregnancy rates and pregnancy intentions during use of the CrM; "Creighton Model MultiCenter Fecundability Study" (CMFS) (1990–1996), a retrospective cohort of presumably fertile and subfertile women using CrM, aimed to assess the relationship between vulvar mucus observations and the day and cycle-specific probabilities of conception; and "Time to Pregnancy in Normal Fertility" (TTP) (2003–2006), a parallel-randomised trial, which aimed to assess the impact of CrM use on time to pregnancy in couples of proven fertility trying to conceive. Each of the cohorts aimed to include heterosexually active couples with normal fecundity. Eligibility criteria were assessed by women's responses to the CrM general intake form and/or a screening questionnaire. Eligibility requirements in the original studies included women, age 18–40 years old (upper limit of 35 years for TTP), not pregnant at entry, having regular menstrual bleeding, and not breast feeding (CMFS and TTP), or if breast feeding, not doing so exclusively (CEIBA). Recent users of oral contraceptives had to have at least one menstrual bleed (CEIBA) or two menstrual bleeds (TTP) since stopping the oral contraceptives; however, for CMFS there was no restriction for time since discontinuing oral contraceptives. All studies also required normal menstrual patterns since last use of depo-medroxy-progesterone acetate or a hormonal intra-uterine device.
- Keyword:
- menstruation, menstrual cycle, fertility, and fecundity
- Subject:
- menstruation and reproductive health
- Creator:
- Stanford, Joseph and Najmabadi, Shahpar
- Contributor:
- Kruletz, Sebrena, Fryer, Julie, Lowe, Michael, Hansen, Jared, Chang, Esther, Wu, Charles, Musso, Iris, Crockett, Becky, Carruth, Kaitlin, Krakowiak, Daisy, Xu, Crystal, and Singh, Nirupma
- Owner:
- Joseph Stanford
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- University of Utah, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 08/24/2023
- Date Modified:
- 11/29/2023
- Date Created:
- 1990-01-01-2013-12-31
- License:
- CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier: