The dataset contains velocity measurements along the fiber optic cable connecting the University of Utah campus to the University of Utah Downtown data center (875 West Temple, Salt Lake City, UT). The data has been collected using the Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) system that records the vibration signals along 8.4 km long optical fiber every 4.9-m interval with a sampling rate of approximately 1000 Hz. The fiber is mainly installed along the red line of TRAX, which is the light rail system of the Utah Transit Authority. The route intersects the East Bench fault, which is known as an active fault segment of the Wasatch Fault zone. Although no earthquake signals were detected, the velocity data converted to strain rate clearly show the operation of trains between the stations at 450 S Main Street and 900 South 200 West. Analysis of this dataset is expected to provide insights into seismic velocities at shallow depths and structures associated with fault scarps. and See README file for data retrieval instructions.